Celebrations and Surprises

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I sat with Blake in the cafeteria on the hottest day we'd had so far this year, ready to celebrate our victory in Teacher Trivia with the rest of Norris Hall. Everyone was chatty as they sat around in their shorts and tank tops. I was as well. Pine Crest only had AC in the new music wing, the computer room, and the library. Everything else was just a muggy mess, including the cafeteria. They had the exit doors propped open for some airflow, but it didn't do much to help.

    Blake, using his speed and agility, got us the table right by the rotating fan that was set up in the corner. Because no one wanted to be near me or him, we had the table all to ourselves. It was out of the sunlight, which made it even better. The only issue was that we'd be dead last to get our pizza, since we were in the back of the room.

    "So, how many weeks are left now?" Blake asked.

    "One to two. If I go past two, which is a couple days before graduation, I have to get induced and probably miss graduation," I said.

    "Which you better not. I've been working hardcore on my moves for the dance afterwards."

    I laughed. "You're gonna make an idiot out of yourself."

    "Who cares? After graduation, I'm never gonna see any of these people again!" he said, a smile finding its way across his face.

I wanted to be happy for Blake. I don't know, maybe it was just my third-trimester hormones, but instead of sad, I was feeling just plain angry. I didn't want him to go off to Hudson Prep, even though it was his dream school. I wanted him to come to Oak Falls High, with Abbie and I. If I wasn't getting a new placement before then, of course.

"Remember, it's not like we're old people without phones. We'll still talk on MySpace and text! And we can always see each other on weekends," Blake said.

I sighed. "I know. It's not the same though."

"Hey, pizza delivery!"

I looked up and saw Mr. Gomez, smiling and holding two paper plates of pizza.

"Mister Gomez, no way!" I said as he set one of the plates down in front of me, then handed the other to Blake.

"Ros, you know that my wife was just pregnant last year. I know what it's like, in a way, of course. I don't want to make you get up and walk all the way over there," he said. "Amd Blake, consider this your congrats from me!"

"Thanks again for writing my recommendation letter," Blake said.

"Any time," he said, waving and walking off. "Two sodas for you guys?"

"Yes! I'm dying of thirst," I said.

Mr. Gomez came back a few minutes later with our cans of soda. I took mine and just put it right up to my forehead, savoring the cool feeling for a few seconds. It was heavenly.

"You better crack that open before it warms up," Blake said.

"I know," I said.

We sat and ate our hot pizza, chugged out sodas, and hung out for a white. I was watching the leaves rustle in the slight breeze outside and trying to take in everything. All at once, I was dealing with my last few weeks in middle school, my last few times hanging out with Blake, and my last few hours with Opal. But that last part...I didn't know that yet. At least, not until a few minutes later, after they brought out the ice cream.

"Hey guys, what color popsicles?" asked Mr. Gomez as he passed our table.

"Green!" I said.

"Purple for me!" Blake said.

"Yuck! Are you serious?" I asked.

"Purple is the best flavor. What do you mean?"

"No. Nope. You're totally wrong."

"I wonder what kind of popsicles these are anyway? I hope I'm not getting one where the green is green apple and not lime," I said.

Blake peered over the crowd. "Yes! Otter pops!"

"Otter pops? What the hell is an otter pop?" I groaned and stood up so I could see, then quickly sat back down. My back was a mess today. "Those are freeze pops, you idiot!"

"Nuh-uh. They're otter pops."

"You know what? Hudson Prep can have you. You and your purple otter pops. You're a monster!" I said, making the both of us laugh.

    I took a breath, trying to hide it from Blake. He was inquisitive though. It felt like he noticed everything sometimes.

    "You okay?" he asked.

    "Yeah. Pregnant people get contractions on and off when they're close to their due date."

    "I know that, but you just had one before we sat down."

    "Yeah, like a half hour ago. Relax."

    Mr. Gomez came over and handed us our freeze pops, which to me, were even more refreshing than the soda. Blake and I kept talking and laughing. When it was time for our last period, the bell rang and all the teachers told us to throw our stuff in the trash.

    "And, up we go!" Blake said, pulling me out of my seat.

    "Thanks," I said, catching my breath. It was getting more and more painful to move around.

    "Just one more class to go, and then we're done for the weekend."

    "Oh, yay. Can't wait to walk nearly a mile over to the high school in the hot sun to catch my bus," I said, sighing.

    "Only a couple more weeks, though. And once you have Opal, you'll be out for a bit, too."

    Right as we were lining up to leave the cafeteria, I stopped. I was pressing my legs together as hard as I could in an attempt to stop the most embarrassing moment of my life from getting any worse. I mean, sure, I'd peed myself before while pregnant, but never in a room full of over a hundred people.

    "No way! She peed her pants again!" yelled a guy close to me.

    Everyone started staring and laughing. My face was bright red. I saw a teacher rushing over. It was Madame T, who I knew from all the times I snuck into French club.

    "It's okay, honey. I'll walk you to the nurse," she said.

    I nodded and walked with her. Thankfully, the nurse's office and Norris Hall were in two completely different directions.

    "This is literally the worst," I said as we walked down the hall.

    Madame T looked at me, her face a mixture of concern and confusion.

    "Roslyn, how far along are you?" she asked.

    "I think a little over thirty-eight weeks," I said.

    "Okay. So I'm a mom myself. I've been pregnant before. I don't want to scare you or make you feel nervous, but you smell a little funny."

    I stopped midstep. "Gee, thanks a lot, Madame."

    "No, sweetheart. I mean I don't think you peed yourself. I think your water broke. I know that smell." I couldn't move. I just stood there, wide-eyed in disbelief. "Come on. Let's get you to the nurse's office so we can call home and get you out of here."

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