Graduation Surprises

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"Okay, just a few more!" said Ann Marie Andrews as she took pictures of Abbie, Blake, and I in our caps and gowns.

"Mom, we need to go line up!" Abbie said.

"Okay, just one more photo!" said Ann Marie, holding up the camera. " 'graduates!'"

"Graduates!" we said as she clicked the button on her camera.

It was weird to be smiling at this woman as she took pictures of me. She literally saw my whole crotch when she delivered Opal. It was so awkward to have to keep seeing her out and about when I saw Abbie.

"Okay, we gotta go!" Abbie said.

We got into the building and found the line of graduates. We were all lined up in alphabetical order. I was right in front of Taylor Jacobs and behind John Kyler. We did a few practice rounds, so I recognized Taylor and John. I found my place right between them, which was super awkward because they were actually a couple and were literally holding hands around me.

I saw one of the teachers going down the line, checking last names.


"Yup," said John.

"Jacobs?" the teacher asked me.

"What? No? Am I in the wrong spot?" I asked. "My last name is Jackson."

"No, you're not on this part of the list," she said, loudly and clearly.

I understood why when the door of the janitor's closet opened across from me. I thought I was about to shit myself when Janet, Marty, and Josie came out, holding balloons and flowers. The teacher smiled. She must've been in on this.

Everyone was looking at me. I wanted to pull my robe over my head and hide in it. What on earth was going on here?

"Ros, I had them change the last name on your diploma!" said Janet. I saw the sign she was holding in her hands.

It said "Adoption Day!"

"Ros, we want to adopt you and Josie," said Marty. "We love you both and want you to be a part of our family."

"So, what do you say? Do you want to become a Vandersnort?" Janet asked.

"I said, 'yes' Ros! Won't you say 'yes' too?" Josie asked.

I was crying so much that all I could do was nod. There were lots of cheers around me. This was the most surreal moment I've ever experienced. Years and years and years in foster care and now I was...getting adopted? I didn't have to worry when we were going to our next house?

Janet leaned down and hugged me. "We love you, Ros."

"I love you guys too. Thank you," I said. "Thank you for accepting me and Josie. We'll make you proud, I promise."

"Oh sweetie, you both already have!" Janet said.

"Let's get you to your new spot in line," said the teacher. I walked with her down to almost the end of the line, and she put me in my spot. "Roslyn Vandersnort. Here you go."

"Thanks," I said, wiping away my tears.

We got the ceremony started and the chorus sang some songs. Principal Peterman made a dumb speach about pride and the future, and then it was time to read off all five-hundred names of the graduates. I was probably in the upper four-hundreds. It went really quick, actually. The teacher reading the names off was going at a rapid-fire pace, so fast that the graduates were speed-walking across the stage.

"Roslyn Vandersnort," said the teacher on the microphone.

I speed-walked across the stage, shook Principal Peterman's hand, took my fake diploma (the real ones were getting mailed) and walked back down to the front of the auditorium. In one of the middle sections, I could see Abbie's family of her mom, dad, and many sisters. I didn't have enough time to look for my family. When I sat down, I heard a baby crying. It sounded so much like Opal. Then again, I'm sure most crying babies sounded the same.

We finished the ceremony and threw our hats in the air. I only threw mine like a foot because I didn't want to lose it or end up putting on someone else's gross, sweaty cap.

The sun was setting, and we all waited out on the soccer field to reunite with our families and take more pictures. I saw Janet and Marty coming with Josie and some of the other foster kids living in our house. I could hear the same baby crying from before.

When I saw them, I was about to drop to the ground. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't handle this much emotion in one night. Ella-Mae and Jake were coming towards me, and they had Opal with them.

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