Hayley Marshall x Fem reader

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Hayley Marshall x Original Hybrid

You are Klaus's twin sister and you basically are the same.

You met Hayley after finding out that Klaus and her had a 'one night stand' and that she is having a baby

You felt something towards her, like you would never leave her side no matter what and protect her.

You swore to yourself not to let anyone hurt her or the baby. Klaus didn't care about the baby but you and Elijah tried and tried to convince him to take care of her because he is the father of the child.

All of that convincing finally paid off. He doesn't leave her side and always protects her.

Whenever there is danger you, Klaus and Elijah immediately try to find Hayley.

When Hayley died giving birth to her baby. You felt like you lost a part of your world

You broke the promise to yourself. You weren't there for her. Her death made you angrier, you are now with your brothers Elijah and Klaus looking for the baby

Once you gotten to the same place for atleast a few times you were all out of breath

"We passed this a few times already. We're running out of time" Elijah says as he walks up to a wall and kicks something

"Then we move faster" Klaus says and wrote another line

"Or smarter" a familiar voice appeared causing you and your brothers to turn around revealing Hayley.

"Hayley" you whispered as you walk up to her and touch her "Hayley" you repeated in a whisper making sure if it's real.

"How are you here?"once you knew she was really there you spoke

"I woke up in the church, i felt this hunger. I knew what i needed".

"I can feel her, she's here" Hayley slowly pulled away as your hands leave her neck

"I can feel my baby" Hayley walked next to Klaus and Elijah "you died with the baby's blood still in your system" Klaus spoke.

"She's in transition" Klaus added looking at you as you give a worried look knowing what's going to happen next.

"Which means she has to drink the blood of the child if she wish to survive" Elijah spoke as you gave him a look which he returned

"To be reborn a hybrid" You, Klaus and Elijah returned looks

"I don't care about me" you all look at Hayley.

"I'm gonna go find our daughter" Hayley glanced at Klaus and leaves as you all follow her.

I got lazy so this happens

Your Klaus there

As you and Klaus find Marcel with a bunch of dead bodies lying around Klaus and you see Marcel holding the baby in his arms.

"I was too late, there should've been more time" Marcel says as Klaus and you look at the bodies.

"Looks like the worlds came back and finished what they started" you and Klaus say at the same time

"You took my daughter so i would heal you and your friends" Klaus l smiles at Marcel and walks to him and pulls his sleeve up

"This bite, all this, i know it didn't come from no where"

"This is the last note that is all, that i started a century ago. What i brought your dad to town, and for that i am sorry"

Some lines are wrong so i am sorry

"No, your saved my childs life, Marcel. And for that you deserve this" Klaus leans down and fed Marcel his blood

"We will take down, who ever has brought this upon us" Klaus says as Marcel pulls away

"I swear it" Marcel and Klaus look at the baby

"May i?" Marcel gently hands the baby to him as he stood up.

"Hey there" Marcel stood up and smiles while you walked to them.

"She looks just like her mother" you say as you walked to them smiling.

"I should get to Hayley" you say and took off.


Hayley just put her baby to bed and went downstairs.

"Hey" Hayley said as she saw you cleaning the place


"Why aren't your brothers helping?"

"They promised to get me bourbon if i clean up the place"

"And how many bourbon did they promise you?"

"Enough to last 2 weeks"

"Actually, i was wondering if i could talk to you" Hayley asked

"Of course" you took a napkin and clean off the blood of your hands

"I really really like you y/n, love actually. I'm inlove with you"

You looked at her shocked as she played with her fingers.

"I understand if you don't-" before she could finish you vamp speed to get and kissed her

A few seconds passed you both pull away "Hope that i wasn't too fast" you say

"Not at all" Hayley smiled at you as you both slowly leaned in but pulled away as you heard someone walk in which was your brothers with lots of bourbon in hand.

I didn't want you guys to wait so i'm trying to make at least 3 images in one day/night

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