Do i love her?

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You are a Mikaelson and a vampire, who just fell inlove with a girl named Hayley Marshall. So did your brother Elijah

Though Hayley fell inlove with Jackson Kenner and is now marrying him.

After finding out about the baby, you swore to protect her and the baby at all cost, but you didn't realized that you loved her until she died and came back as a Hybrid


"Your jealous, brother" Klaus said to his brother Elijah, "I'm not the only one" Elijah turned to the door seeing you

You wore a black cropped suit, along with black boots and a chained necklace.

You stood by the door listening to your brothers conversation "You had to mention it" you rolled your eyes

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You stood by the door listening to your brothers conversation "You had to mention it" you rolled your eyes

"Sister! Nice of you to join the party" Klaus says turning to you "Where were you?" He asked

"I was behind you all along, making sure my brother's don't argue or kill each other" you sighed

"What made you think we'd kill each other" Elijah says, you sighed "first of, Klaus daggers all of us and might possibly has a white oak stake with him, Second Elijah is dangerous when he is mad, and scary, Third you two are driving the family crazy" you finished

"I'll be downstairs if you need me" you walked out leaving your brothers in the room

You sighed once you saw Hayley, Rebekah and Jackson with Hope "Y/n" Your sister Rebekah called out

Hayley and Jackson turned to you, you slightly smiled and walked to their direction

"Congratulations Mrs. Marshall-Kenner and Mr. Kenner" you spoke with a small smile.

"Y/n, you don't have to call us that you know" Hayley softly speaks, "Hayleys right, you protected the pack, the baby and Hayley. Your our friend Y/n" Jackson smiled

"I should go, i told my brother's to meet me outside" you lied, feeling uncomfortable and wanting to get out of the compound

You walked away leaving the compound, leaving the others concerned, while Rebekah knew you were lying so she followed you

"Three of my siblings, wanting the same girl" Rebekah said walking to you

"Klaus prefers the blonde one, Caroline was it? I never actually did visit Mystic Falls for a while now"

"Caroline married the Salvatore brother, Stefan, but i think Nik still likes Caroline" Rebekah smiles

"Come on Y/n, don't be such a party pooper" Rebekah punched your shoulder in a playful manner

You chuckled turning to your sister with a smile "To change the subject, why don't we have some drinks" she said then vamping you to the bar inside

"Rebekah, i do not want to get drunk tonight" she poured you a shot of vodka and looked at you with a smug smirk

"Fine.." you gave in to your little sister and drank the shot, she smiled once you downed the drink, after a few shots Elijah finally pulled you out of the crowd

"That's a bit too much Y/n, you'll need to get sobered up" Elijah says pinning you on the wall

"Elijah, I'll handle her" Hayley spoke from behind him, he lets go of you and leaves

"You smell like vodka" Hayley said smiling giving you some water "Don't i know that?" You said once you chugged the bottle of water

"Are you sober now?" She asked with a soft voice you nodded in response. "How many did you have?"

"I don't know, ask Rebekah, she kept pouring me shots of vodka" Hayley chuckled "What else?" She asked

"She said that I'm funny when I'm drunk" you smiled looking at her "Yeah well she's not wrong" you and Hayley laughed

"She's a Maniac, we're all Maniacs, I'm quite surprised that you would be able to handle Klaus's temper"

"It's not easy but, it's not impossible. Your brother will bea good father, i know it" you nod

"He's a good guy, really, even though he's killed many people" you two were silent for a few moments

You cleared your throat and stood up "Klaus is probably mad at Rebekah that she made me drunk without him" you joked

"I don't hear any screaming, so i guess they're just minding their business" she stood up as you walked to the door

"Never know what will happen" you left the room leaving her, you went downstairs

"Have you all been listening?" You asked once everyone was at the middle of the compound

"What did you two did there?" Jackson said angry "Kenner, we did nothing, we all know that Hayley is loyal to you, your her family, she's loyal to her family. She would never cheat on you" you reassured him

He didn't buy it and his eyes turned yellow/gold "Or maybe.. You compelled her to stay quiet and kiss her. Everyone knows that you are inlove with Hayley!" He yelled

You sighed, "Jackson.. calm down, we didn't do anything. Listen to my heart, We.. Did.. Not.. Do.. Anything" you told him truthfully

"See, my heart was steady" he growled "Or maybe.. Your just a good liar" he charged at you making your siblings vamp to him and hold him back

"Jackson! Your jealous, don't be! Just for once in your life Kenner trust me" you yelled at him

His eyes went back to normal and his fangs went back in his gums "I'm sorry.. i didn't know what came over me" he apologized as his siblings let go of him

"What's happening here? I could here you all the way from upstairs" Hayley asked coming down with Hope

"Nothing. I'll be going outside" you said leaving them, Jackson felt horrible because of his jealously, and Hayley was just confused

'Do i love her? Do i love Hayley Marshall?' you thought to yourself

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