Dance Like Everyone is Watching - Lady Meteorite Speaks On JUPITER JIVE

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When young Marta Green left Ithir thirty years ago, she randomly selected the Zzaresk System as the place where she would reinvent herself and start a new life. She invested her life savings into an abandoned warehouse, some lights, and her first body mod: color-changing eyes. Over the next decade, she built her exclusive nightclub and entertainment emporium from the ground up, using a clever combination of investors, patrons, and business smarts to promote DiskoPunch across the galaxies.

With her extensive body modifications and fashion that pushed the bounds of both possibility and decency, Marta, now known as Lady Meteorite, has been a fashion and nightlife icon for over twenty years. However, more recently, she has become even more famous as the only person who publicly and knowingly admitted Jupiter Jive and the Jivers into her business.

As outrage and obsession swept across systems lightyears apart, Lady Meteorite has refused to comment every time reporters have approached her to speak out on her most notorious patron. However, when she walked into my office without an appointment, I immediately cleared my schedule.

In person, it is easy to see how Lady Meteorite has always commanded every gathering she attends. She is a tall woman with dark skin that is covered in swirling silver designs that shimmer and move with the light. Her eyes are mods, bright, currently crystal blue, and have sparkling, swirling effects that are mesmerizing. She is dressed simply, in a black Lou J jacket and perfectly tailored trousers, but her platform heels are encrusted with diamonds.

I would be lying if I said that speaking first came easily.

ANNO DAI'I (AD): "Lady Meteorite, first, can I say what an honor it is to finally make your acquaintance."

LADY METEORITE (LM): "I suppose."

AD: "Well, we are incredibly grateful that you've chosen to speak with us here at Transgalactic Times. What made you change your mind?"

LM: "I felt that the wild rumors spreading about one of my most loyal patrons needed to be challenged by some facts."

AD: "I see, and what do you think about Jupiter Jive?"

Lady Meteorite is silent, her eyes continuing to spiral until they change to a pale lavender.

LM: "That's complicated. Jupiter Jive has been a patron for nearly ten years, and what they do outside my establishment isn't really my business. Jupiter Jive is a thief, yes, but he or she is first, a performer, which I myself relate to. With galaxies and thousands of lightyears now open to us, it's easy to feel lost or unimportant. Some of us just try harder to be seen."

She laughs and gestures to herself. Her manicure is also tipped with small diamonds, coordinating with her priceless shoes.

AD: "Have you ever conversed one-on-one with Jupiter Jive? You've certainly known each other long enough?"

LM: "Multiple times, but less than you might think. Jive is notoriously shy in conversation, though their dancing belies it. And sometimes "Jive '' or the person playing them, is a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes indeterminate, sometimes alien. The identity seems to shift amongst the Jivers in public. However, I think the real Jive is only ever seen on the dancefloor, at the peak of the night, when everyone is too intoxicated or ecstatic to even focus on them."

AD: "Fascinating! So why do you think the dancer is the real Jive?"

Her eyes sparkle, and it isn't the mods. Something in her face suggests that even this experienced businesswoman isn't completely immune to Jive's spell.

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