Initials (💗)

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{Tanjiro's pov}

(This story is set in a modern school AU)

[Written by Blossom]

I was walking down the hallway when I saw my sister run up to me.
"Uh hi Nezuko-?" I greeted.

She was panting hard due to the running. "Y/n...they...oh my God..." She started to say in between gasps of air.

"Is... everything ok? Did something happen to Y/n? Are they hurt?!" I asked and then exclaimed at the end.
She just shook her head no. I sighed with relief that nothing bad happened while I was in my other classes.

After Nezuko got a hold of her breath she started her sentence from before with eyes full of excitement.

"I was in math with Y/n and you know how we use dry erase markers on the white boards to solve problems and stuff?" I nodded then she continued.

"Well since they get bored in there, they sometimes draw or write random things down with the markers and then erase it. And then sometimes rewrites or redraws that thing." She was talking with her hands while explaining.
"And?" I asked confused.

"And lately they've been putting 2 random letters over and over again!" She smiled, happy at the thought of the letters I was assuming.

"What letters?" I was getting more curious on what the point was by the minute.

"TK. Those were the letters. And there would be hearts and stuff around them. I didn't understand why Y/n would rewrite those over and over in math until I figure it out!" She smiled even bigger.

"What was the reas-"
"Y/n likes you Tanjiro! They have a crush on you! Why else would there be your initials and hearts?! Plus you're the only one in this school who's initials are TK!" She cut me off and my eyes widened.

"Wait, really?" I asked with hope.
"Yes! It makes sense!" She seemed so happy about the information she just shared, and I was happy too.

"Oh shoot! I have to get to my next class. Bye Tanjiro!" And then she left down the hall.

I walked down the hall to Language Arts. One of my classes with Y/n ironically.
I sat down in my seat next to them. Only a few other students were in the room.

"Hey Y/n?" I turned to them while setting my stuff down.
"Hm?" They responded searching for a pencil to use.

I took a deep breath, "Do you have a crush on me?"
They froze. Then looked me in the eye with a look of shock.

"How did you-"
"My sister found out and told me." I stated.

"Oh. I'm sorry if this makes it weird! I totally understand if you don't want to hang out anymore! I just didn't want to make things awkwar-" They started to ramble.
Until I cut them off by placing my lips on theirs.
"Hm?!" They exclaimed into the kiss but then relaxed into it after a few seconds.

Once we pulled away I took they're hand in mine.
"I...feel the same way. I have a crush on you too." I smiled while lightly squeezing their hand with my own.
They stared at me, eyes sparkling almost.

"So, um, wanna, I don't know, go out sometime?" They asked nervously. You could tell by the higher pitch in their words.

"I would love too." I gave their hand one final squeeze and turned back to my desk.

Then the bell rang, and class started.

575 words
It's been a while. Ik it has and I'm sorry about it. Idk when I will personally post since I'm still lacking motivation.
But I was bored and figured I might as well finish this idea.
Thats all for now from me at least.
Thank you for being so understanding!
Appreciate you all!
Bye! <3

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