Showmance Act 2 (💓)

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This was supposed to be a 3 parter but I don't have the motivation for that rn



Today's the day that everyone's been waiting for; the performance of Romeo and Juliet. Everyone has been working their asses off to perfect this show. The rehearsal process was hard. Between set building and tech, there were tears. It was a long and draining process but eventually, it all paid off.

Everyone was able to say their lines. And boy, that was hard to do. Between all the monologues, soliloquies, sonnets, and old English, it was hard to memorize. You remember countless of nights where you lacked sleep just so you could be able to memorize your lines. But tonight is where all your hard work pays off.

"5 minutes to curtain call!" A stage crew member called into the dressing room.

You mentally prepared yourself, doing the tapping exercises my theater teacher/director taught everyone. You could feel your nerves leaving your body a little. Unfortunately, they're still mostly there. You looked in the mirror took a deep breath and stepped outside the dressing room.

The backstage area was chaos. There was cast and crew members rushing around. It was like a heard of wild animals. You attempted to quickly push through the crowd. Luckily, you made it to your place before the curtains risen. Thus beginning the show.

Despite all your nerves from earlier, everything was going great! Sure, there were some times where it was hard to keep a straight face — mainly the scenes with the Benvolio actor goofing off in character — but you managed to do a pretty good job at it though.

The next scene was the infamous balcony scene. Or according to you: the scene where you kiss Tanjiro. Yes, you kept count of all the scenes by how far they are from the kisses. Who can blame you though? How could anyone pass up a chance to kiss Tanjiro? Definitely not you, that's for sure.

Now it the moment, your time to shine. Tanjiro had just got done with his little monologue about wishing Romeo wasn't a Montage so he and Juliet and could marry. At one point you were saying you lines and the next your lips were on Tanjiro's. No matter how many times you guys practiced the kiss scene, it never got old. To be fair, you didn't practice it much. Maybe once or twice but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that you kissed Tanjiro.

Things continued to run smoothly throughout the show. Thankfully, no one stabbed themselves during the sword fight scenes (the swords were fake but no one needed to know). Now comes the last scene: the whole suicide fiasco. All you had to do was drink a small vial of grape juice and fall to the ground. Easier said than done in your opinion but you made it work. Although, you might get a slight headache in a few hours or so, depending on how hard you hit the ground.

Cue Tanjiro waking up from his "death" and doing his whole spiel on how you didn't save any poison for him. And there's that familiar feeling of his lips touching yours. If only it would last outside of the show but alas, one can only dream. He pulls out his (fake) dagger and "stabs" himself. Bringing him into his "actual" death. You two lay with each other for the rest of the scene before you're both carried together at the very end where you're "buried" together. Then, the curtain falls, ending the performance of "Romeo and Juliet."

During the zoo line, you're given flowers, complimented by audience members, and much more. You good around with some friends — cast members and non-cast members, and even get a few pictures. At some point during the zoo line, you're asked if you could get a photo with Tanjiro. You looked at him, silently asking if it was okay with him, to which he nodded. You both posed together: your hand around his waist and his hand resting on your shoulder.

What caught you off guard though, was the small kiss he gave you on the cheek. You weren't expecting it and are sure it showed in the picture. Tanjiro just laughed and smiled at you before he was dragged away by his family and friends. You stared in shock for a moment before smiling to yourself. Maybe the little showmance you two have going on will last outside of the show.


It is currently 3:33 am so if it looks rushed or messy (because it is) it's because I need sleep and tried to finish it while I still had motivation. I'll probably look over it tomorrow and see if I need to make any changes. As always, I hope you enjoyed! -Cherry

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