Would You Still Love Me If I Was a...? (💗)

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Modern au

Lol look at me writing for once lmao



2nd pov

You and Tanjiro were cuddling in bed together; his arms wrapped around you while watching some random movie when you had the bright idea to ask him some stupid questions.

"Hey, Tanjiro?

Tanjiro looked over at you; "yeah babe?"

You looked him dead in the eyes and said, "would you still love me if I was a demon?"

Tanjiro blinked for a moment as he was completely caught off guard. "What?"

"Would you still love me if I was a demon?" You repeated your question again, seeming pretty adamant on hearing his answer.

As if he sensed that you wouldn't stop asking until you had a response, he smiled as he answered your question. "Yes, babe, I would love you if you were a demon."

But apparently that wasn't enough to satisfy your curiosity on how much he loves you. "Ok, but what if I was a bird?" All you got in response was a nod and forehead kiss from Tanjiro.

"Or what if I was a flower?"

He smiled and caressed your arm. "Of course I'd still love you if you were a flower because you'd, obviously, be the prettiest one."

You smiled but not content since you had one more trick up your sleeve; "What if I was a worm?"

He laughed at your silly little antics and curiosity as he peppered your face in kisses. "Yes, id love you if you were a worm, a flower, a bird, or a demon; it doesn't matter what you are because I'll love you no matter what."

Seeming pleased with his response, you gave him a small kiss and laid your head on his chest while turning your attention back to the movie.

"Good, because I'd love you no matter what you are too"

He smiled and glanced at you out of the corner of his eye. "Even if I was a worm?"

That brought a small giggle out of you. "Yes, even if you were a worm."


Pspspspsps come get your food since I'm too busy with school. Sorry it's short, I've been really fucking busy with school work and napping; I hope you enjoyed this little idea that's been sitting in my drafts since forever, now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a paragraph for my Les Miserables homework and copy a study guide for my health test tomorrow -Cherry.

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