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Taehyun's father's trial was finally coming to an end. Beomgyu had luckily been able to convince his mother to attend the final day of the trial, explaining that he had a sudden interest in law. It was easy to lie to his mother, however, not so much to his father. Beomgyu had a plan in mind so that he could keep himself out of his father's suspicions, while also being able to be there for Taehyun. He requested to his mother that they were going to surprise his father with their presence, instead of announcing it to him before he went to court that day. His mother had agreed with him, not thinking much of it. If his father didn't know that they would be attending the trial until he saw them at the courthouse, then he wouldn't cause a scene trying to get Beomgyu home.

Beomgyu secretly hoped that his father forgot about Taehyun and left his disdain for him in the past. It wasn't like he knew that they were still around each other every single second. Beomgyu always explained that he was with Yeonjun, Huening Kai, and Soobin. His father never pressed him on it. It would be so much easier if his father could just accept Taehyun and not see him as a criminal like his father was. Of course, his father was very judgmental. It was one of the reasons why Beomgyu hadn't came out as gay to his parents yet. He was deathly scared of what his father's reaction would be if he did. He would probably bar him from hanging around the guys for the rest of his life. That would have to be a conversation for when Beomgyu was older and out on his own.

One of the worst things about going to court was that Beomgyu had to dress up. He had to go back into his closet and pull out the suit that he wore to one of his cousin's wedding and also fix his hair. If anything about his appearance was lacking, his father would be sure to let him know with a stern lecture once they got home.

The trip to the courthouse was a short one. When they pulled into the parking lot, Beomgyu noticed a considerable amount of vehicles parked. This was a lot more vehicles than he had seen the first time Beomgyu visited the courthouse for Taehyun's father's trial. A lot had changed since then, and Beomgyu was so lucky to have gone with his mother to drop off dinner for his father. What if they hadn't? Beomgyu wouldn't have reconciled with Taehyun and witnessed his father's actions towards him.

As Beomgyu walked up the courthouse steps with his mother at his side, he couldn't help but be overcome from those memories. That kiss in the rain held a special place in his heart. It was a mix of relief, realization, and love. Every time he saw Taehyun, he would imagine that exact moment where they both realized that it was meant to be.

Beomgyu found himself smiling before he quickly caught himself. Today wasn't going to be a day of smiling. No matter the outcome, he wouldn't be able to show emotion. If his father lost the case, he wouldn't be able to express his happiness with Taehyun's family. If his father won, though, Beomgyu for damn sure wouldn't be expressing any emotion even close to delight. He had to stay reserved, despite the results. He was so nervous; he could only imagine how Taehyun felt. Taehyun didn't speak much about anything regarding the trial. Beomgyu tried his best to take his mind off of it, but that didn't him help much. He could tell the emotion and fear in his eyes that Beomgyu desperately wanted to take away.

Beomgyu made his way into the crowded courtroom with his mother at his side. He peered over the heads of the individuals standing in front of him and noticed Taehyun sitting in the row behind his father's designated area. He was dressed in a nice black suit that emphasized his strong shoulders. Next to him was a girl, the same one Beomgyu had seen on the stand. Beomgyu presumed that it was his sister that he had lost contact with.

His mother began to set her pursue into a row of benches near the back of the court, but Beomgyu asked quickly, "Mom, shouldn't we get a better seat? I'd like to see dad in action."

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