➰ WARD - Vault D ➰

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TW: Veronica is school smart, but in this, she acts pretty dumb. Just be warned if you think that kind of stuff triggers you. Also, there is a bit of Coulson/May slander. Enjoy!

(You can pretend that Ward actually likes you, or it's just an act)

I didn't want to do this, I had to.

This was my one shot at having any sort of social life at SHIELD whatsoever.

It's not like I could pass that up.

Although, it's not great that I'm breaking about twelve rules doing so.

I've never broken a rule before. At least, I don't think so. Definitely not like this.

It'll be fine though, right? I've heard a few agents talking about what they think is behind that door. Almost everyone's said something alien. Then, it would be locked up, meaning I'd be perfectly fine.

So there isn't anything to worry about.

Unless I get caught, of course. The only one I'm worried about is Melinda May- cause I'm sure no one else would say anything.

It's not like the director's out of his office, anyway. I've always had my doubts about Phil Coulson. He's good, but there's something off about him. The fact that he's hiding some 'thing' in a vault downstairs doesn't help his case, either.

There are a few people in the hallway. Some look like specialists, others scientists, even one with a clipboard. I feel out of place.

I still technically have another two years at the SciTech academy, but I got traversed to the base after HYDRA left 'the shadows'.

Being the youngest person here with zero friends has been a struggle. That's why I'm doing this. To gain more popularity than the weird shampoo smell, at least.

I specialize in environmental and green energy studies, which isn't very common at SHIELD. I think there are four or five of us here, whom are all in their thirties.

I however, am twenty. Not even old enough to drink yet. There's no questioning why I can't string together sentences around agents. My social skills are horrifying.

That's why I need to do this. If I don't walk quickly, they might leave, or completely forget what they sent me to do. I can't let that happen, or else I'm really screwed.

I stop at a halt as I see the door to my right. It is a plain colour of grey and the writing of 'vault D, do not enter' is impossible not to notice. I enter anyways.

A little surprised, I almost bump into the railing that lines the staircase. There's a staircase? I really expected a small room, around 10x10 that had a big box filled with shiny purple goo. Not this.

It's a large basement type of thing, with a glass wall at the bottom of the stairs. There is a chair in front of the room, with an iPad laying on it. I place my hands on the wall.

"So I'm a museum piece, now?"

I spin my head around frantically until my eyes land on a tall, bearded man, wearing some sort of blue hospital clothes. Okay, he's really hot. How did I not notice him?

Other than a bed, there's nothing else in here. How could someone live like that? Is he an alien, or maybe even a god? That would explain the looks, and the muscles.

"You like the view that much 'ey?" Shit. I stumble over my words until I finally land on blurting what comes to mind first.

"Hi!" I fucking hate you, brain. Maybe this is why nobody ever talks to me?

"Hi. Did Coulson send you to take some more tests? No, you don't look like one of those other scientists, too attractive."

My face turns into a tomato.

"I- uh, I'm not really supposed to be here." I glance worriedly at the security camera, but then remember the other agents turned it off for me. Thank the gods.

"I'm intrigued, why did you come?"

"It was a dare." Perfect, I sound like some unpopular fourteen year old who's taking to the hot senior she has a crush on.

I really do, no exaggerations.

"A dare? Let me guess, 'let's pick on the new agent and see if they have the guts to go into the secret room downstairs'?"

I laugh awkwardly. "Yeah." Okay, that's not entirely a lie, it just makes my situation seem slightly better. 'Helpless agent' sounds a lot better than 'pushover newbie'.

"So no one knows I'm down here?"

"I don't think so. I mean, I'm assuming the director told Melinda, and a few of the specialists who take point on security."

Did I just call the highest level agent in this base 'Melinda' to sound careless, mature, and (probably not) badass?

"Melinda?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah. Melinda May, the Cavalry, director's eye candy, whatever floats your boat."

He lightly chuckles, and my body feels like it's floating. Did that just work?

"I've always thought there was something going on between them, but I assumed I was just seeing things. Huh." He states off in space for a moment and then smirks.

"You know them? Personally?" This man could not get any more perfect.

"Yes, I actually worked on his team for a bit, until the HYDRA infiltration."

"That must have been interesting. No one knows him at all, other than his inner circle of course. It kind of sucks. Half of the time I feel like he's hiding something, the other half, he's not even in the picture."

"I felt that too, working with him. You can never really trust people like that."

"No, you really can't." There becomes a long pause in our conversation, and I try to think of things to say. If I'm not interesting enough, he won't want to talk to me.

"If you don't mind me asking the obvious, why are you down here?"

"I upset the director and his team, as you can tell, that didn't go very well."

"Oh, that sucks. At least you know that you had the confidence to stand up for what you thought was right. Not very many people here can say that for themselves."

"You understand me, it's refreshing,"

Oh my god. He said I understand him! I'm getting butterflies. Literal butterflies.

"Do you get bored down here? I mean, that's a dumb question, obviously you get bored. Do they let you do anything?"

"No, I usually just work out," I wouldn't mind seeing that at all. Eww, that sounds creepy, why am I thinking this?

"Wow, I don't think I could live without my computer. Quick question, if the director hated what you did so much, wouldn't he send you to jail? Or is he just psycho?"

"I wouldn't say 'psycho' but that man can hold a grudge. I'm also quite sure he thinks I'll be useful for his future plans."

Shit. Richards said I only had ten minutes before the equipment team comes to check out the broken security camera.

I'm sure I've gone through eight.

"I don't have any more time to talk, but I'll be back, I promise. I know what it's like to not have anyone to talk to."

"Well then I'll count the seconds till our next visit. I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, it's Veronica. Veronica Mills."

I smile at him like a crazy person as I back up to the staircase. "And yours?"

"Grant Ward." He smiles back.

If you guys like this storyline, I'll do a part two (comment)! 💕

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