Chapter 26

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Off notices his knuckles starting to whiten where they're gripping his steering wheel, so he tries to release some of the tension in his body by breathing in and out.

He reminds himself that there's nothing for him to be tense about, and that New is just taking some time. Eventually, he'll come to his senses like Off trusts him to. Everything is fine.

He thinks about all the times he's worried about things ending between New and him, just to find out he was freaking out about nothing, which was every single time. He thought New would've cut him off because of Tay's wishes; New ended up breaking up with Tay. He thought New would need more time after the split before warming up to Off; he kissed him out of nowhere. Now, he thinks New's rethinking everything they've done after his breakup; he just has to cross his fingers and hope he's overreacting about this one too.

New hasn't even kissed him since the whole debacle in the gymnasium, but Off doesn't let that bother him too much. What does get to him a bit is how little New has been able to look him in the eyes recently.

The only person he can really place the blame on is Tay, and he gets an intense itch to tackle the boy to the ground anytime he passes by him in the halls, but he decides he'll leave it alone and allow New to handle everything how he feels best. New probably wouldn't like it if Off punched his ex boyfriend in the face, no matter how horrible, conniving, and manipulative he is as person.

When will New simply learn that Tay isn't equivalent to this perfect, imaginary perception New has built up for him? The boy needs to open his eyes and see Tay for the person he really is, which is a guy who doesn't deserve an ounce of New's sympathy.

Off realizes he's been sitting in his car for about five minutes, staring into space instead of turning on the ignition.

He turns his head to the side, his gaze falling upon the bouquet of daisies placed in the passenger seat. He'd gotten it for New as a small gift, just because the boy had been so down lately. He plans to give it to him, that is, if he ever manages to calm his thoughts and start up the car.

He hopes that he'll finally get to see New smile and provide rain after such a long drought of not seeing him happy. A visual in his mind of the shimmer New's eyes will get once he sees the daisies has Off smiling dreamily, probably looking like a lovesick fool.

Even if New's smile lasts for half a second, Off will soak it up like sponge, melting into the way New makes him feel lighter with every flash of his perfect teeth. The boy never fails to spark that part inside Off that he didn't even know he had until he heard New laugh for the first time. He is so sprung over him it almost hurts.

He and New have already planned to hang out for the day, so he figures New will see it as soon as he opens Off's passenger door. He wants it to be more of a surprise, however, so he takes it and tucks it under the seat, so maybe he can pop the flowers up in his face at some other point during the evening.

It's almost six pm on a surprisingly warm, Saturday evening, and Off couldn't be more grateful that New's finally choosing to get out of the house and do something with Off. He has no idea of what they're going to do, but he's sure they'll figure something out as the night goes on.

Off eventually musters up the strength to start up his car and begin his journey to New's house. He's giddy with anticipation as he jogs up the steps toward New's front door, eager as always to see his boy's splendid face.

When the door opens, however, most of New's face appears to be blocked by the large box of random stuff he's holding in his arms.

"Um..." Off starts, scratching the side of his head.

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