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Jackson had one hand on the steering wheel, the other supported his head while his arm was propped against the car door. The traffic in Seoul was terrible for a Saturday morning. He was headed to the studio to work on the new song he was producing. He missed producing his own songs, but for some reason he was in a slump that he couldn't seem to get himself out of. It had been almost a year since he'd written a song, he couldn't understand the reason for his writer's block, but he should be grateful he was still producing songs for the company. He shrugged and let out a long sigh almost at the same time his car began to jerk, the engine stuttered and went dead.

"oh, what now Betty?" he hissed through his teeth as he pulled to the side of the road. He turned the key in the ignition "come on girl, com' on com'on com'on" the engine stuttered each time and died out again. "aeeshh" he hissed as he got out of the car and banged the door, the bitter winter cold hit his face and he immediately pulled his collar close around his neck puffing air into his hands. He looked around and realized he didn't know where he was, he had passed through the area on his way to work every day but he never really stopped to look around. He saw a convenient store across the street and jogged lazily over. " Ajussi" he called out to the store clerk in his low husky and raspy voice " where can i find" he struggled to find the word for mechanic in Korean. he couldn't believe he'd been in Korea for almost five years and still lacked in the language " you know a person who mends broken cars?" he asked. " ah a mechanic" the man smiled and said in Korean. " yes that's right, a mechanic" Jackson beamed snapping his fingers. "I see you're a foreigner, here i'll show you" said the store clerk as he stepped out of his store and gave Jackson directions to the mechanic.

Thirty minutes later he was back at his car with the mechanic,"What's the problem with her" he asked after the mechanic had checked the car.

" It's the transmission, it's burned out"

"How long is it going to take to fix it?"

"Well, that depends. The parts for one are very expensive so you might want to look into a used part, and also it's going to take a day or two to get here once the part is ordered"

Jackson sighed and run his fingers through his dark brown hair. 'What a perfect way to start his Saturday morning' he thought to himself. That's why he couldn't trust or commit to anyone, he kept thinking, even his trusted Betty had given up on him after all these years just like that without any warning. He was never going to trust her again. "so what are you going to do?" the mechanic asked interrupting Jackson's thoughts. " Just tow her away" he replied " i'll call you by tomorrow to let you know what i decide".

He opened the passenger door and took out his messenger bag and swung it around his neck. The mechanic hooked the front of the car to the back of his truck, Jackson twitching and wincing at every scrape and bang that came from the process. He stood there for a minute looking longingly as his betty was hauled away. He felt a shiver run through his spine as a gust of cold wind hit his face, he hunched into his jacket and began to walk down the road in the direction his betty had gone. He fished his phone from his pocket and dialed. " JB!" he chirped happily when the call was picked up.

"Ya Jackson, where are you?" the voice on the phone said " i thought we were meeting to finish my album"

"I know, i'm sorry. That's why i'm calling you. Betty finally decided to break down on me, can you believe that? and to think that i trusted and loved her with all my heart"

"Tell me where you are, i'll come get you"

" I don't even know" Jackson said looking around to find the street name.

"well ask around" Jaebum yelled " we don't have all day"

" Aha, taste of Taiwan, it's a coffee shop on the street where i am, do you know it?"

" Yes, stay there i'll come get you" Jaebum replied " and please, please stop humanizing your wretched car,ugh"

" Ya, Betty is the love of my life ok, we've been through a lot of shi..." he was still saying when he heard the phone click, he chuckled and run into the coffee shop.

The shop was empty and dim, he breathed in deeply as the smell of coffee and warmth hit his nose,only when he sat down in the corner of the room did he look around. There was music playing softly in the background which he recognized as one of the songs he had written in his hay days. Those were the days when he churned out hit after hit,he breathed in deeply,closed his eyes and let the warmth of the room envelope his face, he let out a long sigh,'if only he could write like that again' he thought, not that he hadn't tried, but the words just wouldn't come out. He caressed his temple lightly and slowly let his eyes open to finish looking around. That was when he saw him, a boy standing behind the counter taking an order from a customer. The boy was beautiful, no, perfect,and so he stared, he could feel his lips get dry, and so he licked them, he could feel the saliva in his mouth almost drip and so he swallowed, hard. The boy looked like a sculpture, his facial features finely chiseled like a Greek god. He watched as the boy handed a receipt to the customer with slender fingers and smile at the customer, that smile, he felt something tug at corners of his heart, his heart beat as if he just ran a thousand miles and so he put his hand on his chest as if to calm it. That smile, the room suddenly looked brighter, his head suddenly felt light and he felt the corners of his mouth curl up on their own as if to imitate that smile.

He almost jumped out of his skin when he felt the tap on his arm, he hesitantly tore his eyes away from the boy and breathed as he realized he had been holding his breath. " I asked what i can get for you" said the boy who'd tapped him with a smile.

"" he stuttered.

"coming right up" the boy said and walked away to the counter, he saw him give his order to the 'Greek god' boy. The 'Greek god' boy looked up at him and for a split second their eyes met and lingered on each other. He turned away quickly and started fidgeting through his bag trying hard not to look at the boy, he found his not pad and decided to do what he knew how to do best, pour his feelings into lyrics.

I met her one Saturday morning

As soon as i set my eyes on her

Something entered my heart

Something bigger than anything i ever felt

Her beauty is unique

Eyes like a thousand stars

He scribbled away lost in the moment as he poured his emotions into the words, after a whole year he was finally writing again. He didn't notice when the other boy brought in his order, it sat there and got cold as he wrote away. He only stopped when his phone buzzed with a text from Jaebum telling him he was outside the coffee shop. He hurriedly gathered up his things, notepad in hand and dashed outside the door without a glance back, leaving a now cold cup of chocolate sitting on the table.

He threw the notepad at Jaebum who caught it midair as he hit the passenger seat, grinning from ear to ear, he watched for Jaebum's reaction as he read the lyrics. " what do you think?" he asked as Jaebum gave the notepad back to him.

"It's brilliant man" Jaebum smiled at Jackson " What changed? Is it about a girl? ya Jackson-ah are you in love? I thought you were in a slump"

"What?" he chuckled nervously as if he dared say it's about a boy "girl, love?" he scoffed wiping sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, he always broke out in nervous sweat.

" I was inspired" he said laughing. " I think i found my muse" he said almost to himself as Jaebum drove away.

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