Second Chances

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Jackson paced his living room waiting for a phone call from the private detective he had hired, they had already reported Mark's disappearance to the police but he couldn't trust them. He was beside himself with grief not knowing where Mark was and knowing he was gone because of him. They had woken up in Jeju island to find Mark gone along with all his belongings, they had searched everywhere to no avail. That morning Jaebum had come to check on him when he didn't show up for breakfast and found him sprawled on the floor,out cold. Jaebum had questioned him about the blood on his sheets, the bruise on his face and why he was knocked out. He had ignored him and just run out in search of Mark, but he was long gone. He hopped on the next plane back to Seoul hoping Mark had come home but he had found his apartment empty, that was a week ago. His pace quickened as he remembered the night of the incident, how could he have done that? How could he hurt the only person he had ever loved? This time he was sure he had lost him for good, he was never going to forgive him,hell, he couldn't even forgive himself how could he expect Mark to forgive him. Where was he? Was he cold? Mark didn't like the cold. Did he even have the right to worry about Mark? Maybe he should just leave him alone, but how would he go on knowing Mark was with someone else, he couldn't let that happen, he had to fight and prove himslef to Mark, couldn't he be selfish? couldn't he be greedy? He can't lose h—-. His thoughts were cut short at the ring of his phone

"Tell me you found him" he said into his phone

"I'm sorry but not yet" replied the voice on the phone

"What? You can't find a single person in Korea?" Jackson screamed angrily into the phone " What am i paying you that amount of money for?" he yelled

"I'm working on it, one thing i can tell you for sure is that he is not in Seoul" the voice on the phone replied

"Just find him...Please" Jackson said in a calm voice. He hanged up the phone and run out the house headed for Mark's apartment, he went there every night, just in case he had returned. 

Mark sat on his bed in the dark, knees curled up under his chin, flipping through the TV channels absentmindedly, he was weary of shedding tears, he'd cried so much he doubted anymore tears would fall out if he did. He threw the remote on the bed, walked to the window and peeped behind the curtain. He looked out on the beach admiring the beautiful sunset,he let the curtain fall back down, nothing interested him anymore, it was as if life had lost it's color, he walked back to his bed, laying face down. He was still a little sore on his backside even though he had healed, if only the wound in his heart would heal as fast, then he wouldn't be such a mess. He hadn't left Jeju island that night, he only checked into a different resort, he needed time to think. He had turned his phone off and stayed in his room all week because he was afraid to go out and bump into Jackson or see him walking by. He had tried to figure out why he still loved him, he was such a fool to still miss him. He should hate him, hate him to death, but the only thing he felt for Jackson was love. He couldn't explain it, was he sick in the head? Why couldn't he just throw him out of his heart? How could he still miss his kiss and his touch after what he did to him?. He had to get over him no matter what it took, he had to be strong and move on, he couldn't love him, never. He started packing his bags to head out for Seoul, Nora was due and he had to be there, even if it meant facing Jackson, after all he couldn't keep on hiding for ever.

Mark got home in time, he had arrived three days ago and  Nora littered on the night of his arrival. He knelt beside her litter box trying to figure out what he was going to do with the four new kittens. If only the stupid landlord had fixed his window Nora wouldn't have sneaked out and gotten pregnant and he wouldn't be kneeling there right then without a clue what to do. Why couldn't people be more dependable, why couldn't people be more trustworthy? He tried to pet Nora but she hissed at him protective of her newborns "ok, ok" he laughed getting up to walk away. He walked aimlessly around his home, everything reminded him of Jackson, he couldn't even sit on his own couch without thinking about how good it felt to be held in his arms. He decided to move out, he was going to have to take bold steps if he was going to forget Jackson, besides he hated his landlord. He heard the beeping of his pass code being entered and thought it must be Jinyoung, he had changed it when he got home and his phone was still turned off, he heard banging and headed for the door to let him in.

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