Love at first sight

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Mark was awake in bed but kept his eyes closed and just lay there listening to the sound of cars honking and blaring, he shuddered and pulled his blankets over his head when a cold breeze from the window washed over him, he knew then that, Nora, his cat had sneaked out again. He was going to go later and yell at his landlord for not coming to fix the window like he promised. He lazily fished under his pillow looking for his phone, he practically had to force his eyes open when he found the phone. " Damn" he said and let out a soft sigh as he got off of the bed. Jinyoung was going to be on his case again for being late. When he left L.A four years ago to chase his dreams in Korea he had no idea he would be working part time at his best friends coffee shop. 'Your're just in between jobs' he told himself 'it's just a transition'. The bedroom had gotten colder when he came back from the bathroom because of the open window, he stretched his hand out to close it but decided to leave it open in case Nora came back and he wasn't home. He hurriedly put a pair of jeans and a sweater on, shivering and cursing all the while. He grabbed his jacket, left a plate of cat food on the kitchen floor for his cat and stormed out of his apartment.

"Fuck" he let the word slip out of his mouth as the bitter cold hit him. ' I should have worn something heavier' he thought to himself as he got on his bicycle, he always rode his bicycle to work because it was only fifteen minutes from his apartment and thought of it as his morning exercise, besides he liked the feel of the wind in his hair and on his face as he rode. He found it refreshing and it was when he was riding his bike that he did his best thinking. That morning he was thinking, if he worked for Jinyoung for another six months he could finally open up his dance studio, he pulled his hoodie over his head as the cold wind became too much. He made his usual stop at the convenience store by their coffee shop to get his breakfast. He parked his bike carefully and walked into the shop, he was checking out the aisles to see what else he could get besides ramen, if he ate ramen one more day he might throw up. he was still scrolling through the aisles when he heard a voice say "Ajussi". That voice, it made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and so he craned his neck over the aisle to see who it belonged to and that was when he saw him.

A boy asking for help from the store clerk, he liked what he saw and so he stared. The boy looked like a poster fresh out of a magazine, his deep dark eyes, the perky red lips that made him touch his own. He felt his eyes water from staring too much and so he blinked and stared again. He found himself smile a little when the boy struggled to speak Korean, at least he wasn't the only one. The smile on the boy's face when the man offered to direct him to a mechanic was everything, he smiled too and didn't know why, that was how infectious the boy's smile was. He found himself crane a little bit more to continue staring, as the boy walked out with the store clerk he found his feet following on it's own accord. When the boy bowed to the store clerk in thanks he noticed his dark brown hair, each strand perfectly placed, it made him want to run his fingers through them. He found himself walk outside to stand by the store clerk as the boy walked away with a little swagger in his step. He was smitten.

"Do you know him?" he heard the store clerk ask.


"That person" the store clerk gestured toward the direction the boy walked.

"Ah, no" he said shaking his head. " i'll take these" giving his kimbap to the clerk.

The coffee shop was just two stores down from the convenience store, so he just walked and pushed his bike along still in a daze as that smile kept flashing before his eyes. He just stood in front of the coffee shop looking down the road thinking that if he squinted his eyes just a little bit more he could see the boy walking down the road but he was long gone. He was still in his trance when he heard a loud ring in his ears.

"Hyung!!" It was Jinyoung of course, Mark put his hand over his ear and walked into the shop as Jinyoung trailed behind him complaining about him being late. Mark rolled his eyes and smiled as Jinyoung put the red apron around his waist and spun him around to tie it, all the while complaining.

"can't i be late on a Saturday?" Mark finally said.

"No" Jinyoung said wagging his fore finger in front of Mark and Mark pretending to bite it off.

"why can't i be? i shouldn't even be working on the weekend" he retorted

"Well you're my honey, if you care to know. Now put on that killer smile and get to work" he snapped, Mark grinned sarcastically. Jinyoung smiled and said "Yes that's the smile, now let the bees swarm. I have a feeling business will be good today..." he was still rattling on as he walked into the back room to get a fresh bag of coffee beans.

A couple of minutes later, he heard the door ring as a customer entered, he lifted his head from the glasses he was cleaning to greet the customer and almost dropped the one in his hand when he saw who had walked in. It was the boy from the convenient store, his mouth opened and closed with no sound when he tried to say the usual cheerful greeting he offered his customers. The boy just walked straight to the back of the room and sat down,Mark watched him as he took in a deep breath, closed his eyes and caress his temple. Another customer walked in just then, he stole glances at the boy while serving the customer. He saw him open his eyes slowly, those beautiful dark eyes, and looked away just in time to avoid meeting his eye. He rushed through his customer's order so he could go take the boy's order, that would be an opportunity to strike up a conversation and hear that voice again, but just as he was giving the customer her receipt he noticed Jinyoung was already taking the boy's order, he clenched his teeth and smiled at the customer. He could feel the boy staring at him all this while until Jinyoung had gone to take his order.

He looked up at Jinyoung who shoved the order across the counter to him with a meaningful smile. "What?" mark asked

"Dude that guy in the red jacket at the back is totally checking you out" Jinyoung chuckled

"I know" Mark replied looking up at the guy, their eyes met for a split second and he was almost sure he saw something flash in the boy's eyes before the boy turned away looking for something in his bag. He wasn't sure what he saw, but there was definitely something there.

He slid the order to Jinyoung who chirped " the bee trap is totally working" before walking to put the order on the boys table. Mark looked on as the boy kept writing, he would look up occasionally and find the boy still writing until he looked at his phone and hurriedly walked out the shop. Mark walked to the window and watched as the boy walked away and get into a silver car, he stood there and watched him until the car drove away.

He walked over to where the boy had been sitting and run his hand over the chair before sitting in the same spot the boy had been. he looked at the now cold cup of chocolate. ' What were you writing' he mused. 'Who are you?'. He put his hand on his chest as if to calm it down as it began to race at the thought of the boy. He knew there and then that it was love at first sight.

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