Sad Farewells

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"Where is he?!!!" Jackson barged into the front door of his house, panting and breathing heavily, all the anger he had held in last night came flooding out once he left Mark's apartment, he hadn't been able to sleep a wink and had sneaked out at the break of dawn before Mark could wake up. "Dad!! Dad!!" he yelled running up the long flight of stairs toward his father's home office, he run into his mother at the top of the stairs.

"What is the ruckus about this early in the morning...good lord the sun is barely up" the woman cupped his son's face in her hands and looked at him "...look at you, did you even sleep?" she pecked his lips.

"Where is your husband?" Jackson took his mom's hand off his face gently even though his voice was angry.

"Your father." The woman said firmly

"Is he?! ...that son of a bitch is not my father... He's a monster, an animal who prey on..." Jackson's words were cut short by a slap to his face, this was the first time his mother had hit him in his entire life.

"You may despise your father or even hate him all you want but you will respect him. Am i clear?!" The woman's hands shook from the remorse of having struck his son, but he had crossed the line and he wasn't too old to be disciplined.

Jackson let out a dry laugh "You always take his side!" he screamed at his mother "You've become so blinded by the money and the power that you don't even realize the kind of man you are married to!!" he smiled at his mom with warm eyes "he is going to go down sooner or later and if you don't leave him while you still can you will go down with him" he walked past her and barged into his father's office. His mom started to follow after him calling out his name, but stopped and turned around deciding she wasn't in the mood to deal with those two, nobody ever listened to her anyway.

He barged into his dad's office and was restrained by two of his dad's guards "Get your fucking hands off me!!" he yelled throwing his fist and missing the face of one. His dad motioned for the guards to let go of him and they let him go "was it you?!" he kicked one of the guards in the shin "you?" he kicked another one "Which one of you bastards hit my boyfriend in the head?...won't you talk?" he kept hitting one guard after the other.

"Enough" his father's voice was calm "Enough!!" he raised his voice which stopped Jackson from kicking the guards.

"Is this how we're going to do this? hmm?" Jackson moved closer to his father's desk glaring at him.

"I simply wanted to talk to the boy" his dad got out of is seat and poured two glasses of whiskey, he pushed one glass to the edge closer to Jackson.

"You kidnapped him!!" Jackson bellowed unable to control his anger.

"is that what he told you?" His father sat back down.

Jackson rolled his eyes behind closed lids and run his hand through his hair, he grabbed the glass of whiskey and sat down in the chair across from his dad "You had him followed, had his apartment torn, please i'm begging you lay off him" Jackson tried to reason with his dad.

"No" His father's answer was short and blunt.

"No." Jackson repeated to which his father nodded " then you leave me no choice...I will go to the police with everything i know about you... i will go to the press about you and the prime minister" Jackson threatened.

His father laughed "You can't talk about my dealings with the prime minister without implicating yourself, you were there that night and you were my alibi when the police came calling" he stared dead straight at his son looking for the slightest flinch but he was impressed when he saw no reaction.

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