Normal Citizens

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So, I'm back with the 2nd chapter. The chapter will be about the Bad Guys becoming normal citizens of the city, neither criminals nor "celebrities" anymore.


The Bad Guys drove to the city as they were heading to the food market called Amazon Fresh. When they arrived at the parking lot, they noticed most of the parking spaces near them were full.

"Oh man, where can we park now?" Shark whined.

Wolf looked back at the other parts of the parking lot where there are empty spaces a little far from the market, "We can take one of those spaces."

"Aaww, does this mean we have to walk from there to here?" Piranha complained.

"What choice do we have?" Tarantula inquired.

Wolf then drove the car all the way to the back, and took one of the empty spaces to park his car there. The Bad Guy then got out of the car, and just walked all the way to the Amazon Fresh.

There were 3 guards standing by, greeting other people, and letting them walk in. But when they noticed the Bad Guys, they stayed quiet, but kept watching them as they got inside. Hornet just gave them a smile and a wave, but only the female guard waved at him back before her partner glared at her for greeting one of the former criminals. The female guard then stood up straight, focusing on her job. When the door automatically opened for the Bad Guys, the customers and staff suddenly stopped and stared at them, surprised by their arrival, then went back to their activities in the store. The Bad Guys were surprised once again that people in a grocery were not screaming, running, and hiding away from them too.

"Wow. Everyone was just staring at us for one second, and then... nothing," Shark said.

"It feels... normal," Piranha added, feeling weirded out.

"Not exactly normal for us," Snake corrected.

Wolf then shook his head, and cleared his throat, "Alright, guys, let's focus on the task of hand. It's just like a heist, only we're not doing this in secret," The crew then huddled together, "Alright, so we have enough money for each of us, thanks to Hornet's calculation."

"I told you math is useful," Hornet smirked at Piranha, who rolled his eyes.

Wolf then added the plan, "I think we have enough to find our own personal food. We have our own favorite treats so, we'll split up, meet back at the cashier counter in an hour. Capiche?"

Tarantula nodded, "Oh yeah."

Snake smiled, "Definitely."

"Si!" Piranha exclaimed.

"Not a problem," Shark said confidently.

"Absolutely," Hornet replied.

"Alright. Let's do this," Wolf put his paw in the middle as Piranha and Shark both put their fins in, Tarantula put four of her legs in, Snake put his tail in, and Hornet put his little hand in.

After the team split up, they each got their grocery carts for their shopping. Despite how small Piranha, Tarantula and Hornet are, Piranha can put the cart easily, Tarantula attached a chip to the handle of the cart, and controlled its move with her laptop, and Hornet can fly, so he can reach the handle of the cart at ease.


Hornet went to the produce aisle to get the fruits and vegetables he loved. He never ate meat, so the produce aisle was a good aisle for him in the store. Just then, he encountered a male human customer in front of him.

The Bad Guys: New Beginnings, New NormalWhere stories live. Discover now