chapter 6

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Zoey’s POV We need to talk" I said getting up. He didn’t say anything (as usual) and sat next to me. "Look, I know what happened to the other nurses that tried to help you. I’m guessing they didn’t even bother helping you because you’re making it obvious you don’t want our help. So if that’s what you want, I’ll stop being you nurse."

For the first time he looked at me. He looked confused for a second. "From what I heard from the entire nurses. They didn’t bother because you don’t want help. If you don’t want my help to be your nurse and actually help you, I’ll leave. But if you want me to stay and help you, I would just tell me what you want" I said firmly.

His eyes locked with mine as I waited for his answer. Then he sighed and grinned, "All right" Huh? Did he just talk to me? His voice was low, husky.

"All right what? You want me to stay or leave?" I said. "You can stay and let’s see how far you could help" he said. I nodded, I couldn’t help but grin. "By God, we’re actually getting somewhere" I laughed at my success and held out my last patch of cookies.

"Well?" I asked. "I rather not eat it. Who knows what you’ve done to it" he grinned more. I glared at him. He shrugs and fell onto the bed. "Hey you got me as your patient but don’t think I’ll be all kind to you. You called it" he reminded.

"Just eat it!" I shouted (even though I’m not suppose to). He doesn’t even act his age! He acts like a 7 year old! He shook his head, "I rather be force fed" he said. I sighed; this was not easy at all.

"Oh come on! My mom even helped me bake it for you and you’re going to waste it?" I whined. I started to whine for the last 5 minutes and then he groans and took the cookie out of my hands. "If I eat it would you shut up?" he asked.

I nodded. For a second he just looked at it. Then he took a bite and he actually ate it! "See it wasn’t that bad was it?" I asked. He glared at me for a second and looked away. I know he loves it.

I chuckle and left the rest at his table. "Well, my shifts almost over" I took off my scrub that was over my clothing. "Well I’ll you see tomorrow Dash" I smiled at him. "Whatever" he said and pulled the blankets over his head.

Dash’s POV

I hate to admit it, but the cookies Zoey made was actually good. Though I won’t admit it. I ate the ones she left at my desk and crawl back into bed. I heard Demi come in and gasp. "Dash did you actually ate without being force fed ?!" she seemed shock. Crap, Remind me to throw the crumbs away before she comes in the room.

She chuckle when I didn’t talk. "Oh my God, I need to thank that girl. For so many years no matter what the other nurses tell you, you won’t listen then she comes along" she took the plate from my desk.

I shook my head and ran my fingers throw my hair thinking of my nurse, Zoey. I couldn’t help but smirk, all right nurse, if you want to help me. You first have to pass my tests.

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