{chapter 2}

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"open the window please!" Anne pleaded. Sasha looked around and then said something she wanted most of all. "Take me with you!"
"what!? Why?!" Anne quietly shouted
"I won't let you go if you don't let me come with you!" Sasha angrily said.
Anne finally agreed but only so she wouldn't get caught but maybe, it was because she wanted to get to know this girl.

They start climbing down then they hear Sasha's door crash down, luckily they were near the ground.

"I can't see her!" Shouted a guard. The king walked in. "Somebody has kidnapped my daughter and the future queen of this kingdom. SEND OUT SEARCH PARTIES RIGHT THIS MINUTE."

With Anne and Sasha.

It'd felt like they'd been walking for hours (well to Sasha) "when are we gonna be there!" Sasha shouted. "We've been walking for 15 minutes? And anyway it's right here, calm down princess." A quite small cabin hidden behind tress lay. It looked like one more rain drop would destroy it.
"Oh, it's rustic." said Sasha in a sarcastic tone. There was a single mattress on the ground with a fluffy coat over it and food and a drink on a small table next to it. Just after Anne had closed the door Sasha had realized she hadn't packed anything at all! No spare clothes, no toothbrush, no hair brush, nothing!!
Anne could see she was panicked "woah what happened dude?"
"I have nothing this was a terrible idea!!" Sasha squealed
"Woah! You do know I have spear clothes and all the other stuff right?"
Sasha had forgotten that this girl had been living in the wild probably her whole life.

"You're already in pajamas so you can just go to bed" Anne said to her pointing at the mattress.
"Where are you gonna sleep though?" Sasha asked hoping she will say the floor.
"Erm the same place you are? Pff where else would I go?" Anne chuckled has she went to go get changed. Sasha stood there in sweat and confusion. Sasha had never slept in the same bed as someone her age. But Sasha wouldn't have cared if the girl was someone else, she didn't know if it was because that girl definitely needed a shower or that she was into her "no! Princesses don't like girls!" Sasha said to herself quietly.

She plonked herself into the bed thinking she could just scotch away from her but then she realized. The "duvet" she had was just a small fur coat so that means if they both wanna be warm they have to sleep really close to eachother!! When Sasha was stressing about this she saw Anne come in with her pajamas on. She was so pretty even with leaves in her hair. She quickly understood she was staring at her and layed back down again. Anne smiled and blushed a tiny bit and lay next to her. They legs were touching at Anne's face was so close to Sasha's! But they quickly fell asleep.

my Anne in shining armorWhere stories live. Discover now