{chapter 10}

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Fbi before the chapter starts. I might start making a new sashanne au story but will still carry on but idk if people would still read my other one?? If that makes sense anyway here chapter 10!!

Marcy is sitting on a stool in Sasha's bathroom while Sasha is drying Marcy off and Anne is standing in the door frame. "I seriously wasn't spying! I jus-" Marcy started but Sasha interrupted her "I know. You don't have to apologize." Sasha said sternly. Marcy's face went into sad puppy dog eyes as she sat there. Sasha gave Marcy some extra clothes she found then Anne and Sasha stepped out of the bathroom closing the door behind them. They stood there in silence for around 2 minutes but what felt like a hour. and as soon as Anne was about
to speak the bathroom door opened quietly where Marcy stood in her uniform hair still a bit wet but all else well. "We should probably get back to the party your Majesty." Marcy started to say "The king will be worried." Sasha didn't say anything just nodded. "Can I just speak to Anne alone though mars if it's okay?" Marcy looked up at Sasha "yeah, that's okay." Marcy left the room quickly. Anne looked at Sasha with a smile but Sasha didn't return it. "I think you should leave Anne, my dad will go crazy if he finds out." Anne's face quickly went from a smile to a frown "how would he find out? I mean whose gonna tell him" Sasha crosses her arms and turns away from Anne "just please go. End of discussion." Anne was shocked on how Sasha was behaving but didn't wanna put up a fight.

Anne had left around 5 hours ago and the party had ended but Sasha was still awake laying awake in her bed. 'why did I make her go away? I didn't want her to leave.' a thousand thoughts rush through Sasha's head. She must have fallen asleep because she woke up to lovely smelling pancakes infront of her and the sun glaring through the her curtains. She sat up and put the pancakes on her lap and started eating them. They didn't taste like the chef's usual cooking but she didn't care. "You like my famous cooking princess?" She heard a awfully cheery voice  from the windowsill. She looked up. "Anne? What are you doin- wait why are you in my room?" Sasha had a bunch more questions she wanted to ask like "do you hate me?" "Why do you want to speak to me?" But she didn't ask them. "You seemed quite weird yesterday so I wanted to check up on you." She said as she sneakily snuck under the duvet next to Sasha. "I don't know!" She quickly replied "I was under a lot of stress I didn't want anything to happen to you or Marcy."
Anne held Sasha's hand gently. "You don't have to worry about that nothing is gonna happen. But side note do you like my pancakes?" Anne said smiling. Sasha looked at her "yeah they're alright." She said smirking.

The whole day Sasha and Anne just talked and laughed the whole day. Whenever the maids or guards came to check on Sasha, Anne would hide in her wardrobe or under her bed. They giggled everytime the guard left and Anne came out of her hiding spot.  It was around 6pm and it was getting darker. Anne was holding Sasha tightly under the covers.  They weren't gonna take the risk of someone finding them so Anne had to go under the duvet to not be hidden. Of course she came out for air when the cost was clear. But their plan was solid proof nothing could go wrong. When Anne and Sasha were lying in bed next to eachother they heard a knock at the door, Sasha quickly pushed down Anne's head under the covers and shouted "come in!!" It was..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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