{chapter 3}

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Sasha woke up to Anne's hand lying on her waist. She didn't notice at first but when she did her face went bright red. Anne's curly hair was pushing against Sasha's bright blond hair. But then she realized that this girl probably needed a bath! She smelt like a pig had died on her, Anne had woken up and noticed where her hand was and quickly moved it and sat up. She turned back to Sasha and smiled down at her "morning princess!" Sasha was flushed but then remembered that she was still actually a princess. "It wasn't to cold last night was it?"
"No actually it was quite warm I fell asleep quite quickly heh" Sasha chuckled. Anne smiled.

Anne was making food for her and Sasha. Of course it wasn't that fancy as her chef's cooking but it still looked nice. "So what are we gonna do today?" Sasha asked smiling
"You're not doing anything. Your dad is still lookin for you dude" Anne replied. Sasha had always made her parents say yes to her so of course she could make Anne say yes to.
"Come on Anna banana just this once!! Or I could rat you out and say you kidnapped me?" Sasha smirked.
Anne didn't like the thought of going to prison at such a young age so she agreed.

Sasha and Anne are walking through the forest. Sasha is holding a basket that she doesn't know what's in but Anne says not to open it yet. "So what your name?" Sasha asked trying to be friendly. "You already know my name, Anne!" Says Anne. "No like your full name? Like I'm princess Sasha waybright! And you're Anne..?" Anne looks at her on confusion. "Err I don't have one I guess!" "HUH?! how do you not have a full name!?" Sasha shouted confused "jeez why can't I just take yours? Anne waybright sounds alright!" Anne replies not understanding what that means.
"I'm not even gonna tell you what that means."

After a while they arrive at a lake
"What are we here for?" Sasha asks
"To be clean?" Anne says

my Anne in shining armorWhere stories live. Discover now