{chapter 7}

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Sasha walked in where Anne was sitting "here I got some plasters for your scratches!" Sasha said smiling. Anne just giggled for a response and let Sasha put them on even though she knew the butterflies would come back. As sasha was sticking the plasters onto Anne's scarred face she was reashering in her head how she was gonna ask her "so erm Anne? Are you seeing anyone at the moment ?"
Sasha asked reluctantly, Anne looked at her in confusion "erm I'm always seeing people?" Anne replied, Sasha laughed at Anne's response "no, I mean do you have a girlfriend yet?" Anne's face light up, why would Sasha be asking this question if she didn't wanna kiss or even date Anne?
"Oh erm no I never really have the time and I've never felt that way to anyone before" Sasha felt a singe of worry. It was quiet for a while and Sasha was done fixing up Anne "why were you asking?" Anne asked Sasha.
"Oh erm.." Sasha was flustered but carried on "you just seem like a really nice person to date ! That's all.." Anne blushed a lot but smiled at what Sasha said "so..would you date me?" She asked. Sasha froze up, she didn't want to say no cause that'd be rude! But what if Anne wanted her to say yes, she wanted to be with Anne but she didn't think she would feel the same! Then Sasha said something that surprised Anne and herself.

"yeah, sure I guess" Sasha quickly turned away from Anne realizing what she said she was about to apologize but Anne grabbed her hand gently, Sasha felt an electric shock shiver down her spine "do you mean it? You're not just messing with me?" Anne asked "why would I joke about something like that?" Sasha responded. Anne smiled, her cheeks were bright pink. Anne put her hand gently on Sasha's face. "So if you'd date meee, would you kiss me?" Anne giggled but she meant it. "I think you already know the answer" she smiled as she looked at Anne with her baby blue eyes. They both leaned it for a kiss. As they pulled back they both smiled at eachother.

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