I can be a better boyfriend than him

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Y/n knew from a distance that Fatin's boyfriend wasn't in love with her She had overheard him a couple days ago saying "i just wanted to fuck i'm not in love with her i guess she wanted more i just feel bad for her" those words set something off i...

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Y/n knew from a distance that Fatin's boyfriend wasn't in love with her She had overheard him a couple days ago saying "i just wanted to fuck i'm not in love with her i guess she wanted more i just feel bad for her" those words set something off in Y/n instantly she wanted to tell Fatin but couldn't have the guts to talk to the girl she's had a crush on for years. They were in orchestra in middle school together until Y/n had quit due to it being difficult for her which meant her not seeing Fatin as often as she used to, they were in the same class for most of high school but due to Y/n's lack of knowledge Fatin was a bit smarter than her.

"Y/n can i talk to you after class" said her math teacher Y/n nodded her head and was anxious did she do something bad? did something happen? the kid's mind was racing her heart was beating extra Y/n hated it but she knew she had to wait so after class Y/n met up with him. "yes sir?" "you're failing math" "yeah i know thank you for the reminder" "Fatin is going to be your tutor" Y/n's heart dropped "what" "you both are going to meet up after school today i've already talked to her about this and she accepted it" fuck me Y/n thought. "okay today it is" "you're dismissed" Y/n quickly walked out to her locker and leaned her head against it "fuck" they whispered, Y/n spent her day anxious about being with her crush alone in the library of course time went fast and Y/n grabbed her stuff and went to the library.

There was the beautiful brown skinned girl Y/n liked for years. "hurry up Y/n i have a concert in a couple hours" Y/n rushed over to the table and opened her notebook. Both kid's ended up working for 2 hours Y/n tried paying attention but was distracted by her looks Y/n hated speaking but she had to tell Fatin about her boyfriend "um Fatin" "yeah?" "your boyfriend said something bad about you earlier i overheard" Fatin looked up from her notes "what did he say" Y/n took a deep breath "he said that he only used you to fuck and that he's with you cause he feels bad" "you're a liar" Y/n's heart dropped "what" "you're jealous you want my boyfriend so bad god you're selfish" Fatin quickly grabbed her books and left leaving Y/n sad and guilty for even saying anything.

Later that night Y/n was angry how could Fatin accuse her of that when clearly she's lesbian and sad cause Fatin had never lashed out on Y/n like that. The next day Y/n avoided Fatin she stopped looking for her in the hallways and avoided looking at her like always Y/n felt heartbroken never in her life has she ever felt that way. Y/n was in math class now and she handed her her homework that Fatin helped her on "good job Y/n i'll need you and Fatin to meet up again on Friday" "no i think i'm okay" Y/n said quickly wanting to avoid the girl at all cost "sorry but you need more help so Friday after school again" Y/n sighed "okay" she went back to her seat and dozed off until the bell had rang.

Y/n grabbed her bag and left as she was leaving math class she heard arguing of course her being nosey she decided to go see it was Fatin and her boyfriend "you aren't in love you piece of shit" Fatin yelled all eyes are on her "i never loved you" "go fuck yourself asshole" Fatin said pouring her water bottle on her now ex boyfriend Y/n went to go follow the girl not caring about the fact that she raised her voice at the girl. She was in the library with her head down against the desk Y/n walked up to her and sat in front of her "get away" Fatin said her voice shaking "it's me" Y/n said in a soft voice Fatin raised her head up "i'm sorry i yelled at you" Y/n shrugged her shoulders "i'll be okay just don't apologize i'm a lesbian by the way" Fatin looked at apologetically "so you weren't jealous?" "nope i was jealous of him actually" She raised her eyebrow "really?" "you're cute i actually like-" the bell rung "how about we skip tutoring and get ice cream?" Fatin said trying to ignore the fact that she almost revealed her feelings towards the girl aid Y/n grabbed her car keys "bet".

The two girls grabbed their bags and left "i'm sure your math teacher won't mind" Fatin said getting into the passenger seat Y/n turned on the car and gave Fatin the aux cord "play whatever except country please" Fatin put on right side of my neck by faye webster "you're taste oh my god" Y/n said tapping her steering wheel to the beat of the song. The girls went to grab ice cream and chilled in the parking lot until it was late for Fatin's curfew "thank you Y/n" "don't thank me of course" Fatin hugged her tight Y/n waited till Fatin got into her house and then drove off all Y/n could think about was what Fatin was going to say until the bell interrupted her
942 words i hope you enjoy <3

Fatin Jadmani/Sophia Ali imagines Where stories live. Discover now