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Seasons 2 Spoilers.
TW: mentions of suicide

Leah lashed out on Rachel poor girl was grieving over the death of Nora, everyone thought Leah was going crazy and that she was overthinking everyone but Y/n, Y/n understood her and agreed but never showed it like Leah did but deep down she had the same feeling Leah did except no one gaslit her like they did to Leah. Fatin separated her from Rachel and dragged her away Y/n followed them making sure nothing bad happened Fatin pinned Leah against the rock and said "if you ever come within 100 feet of rachel again i'll fucking kill you". Y/n has never seen her like this let me tell you this she was weak in the knees seeing Fatin aggressive like that turned Y/n on.

Y/n got between the two girls "relax Leah go take a walk, Fatin stay" Y/n demanding the two girls Leah listening she walked Fatin stayed. "that was the hottest thing you've ever done" Y/n said kissing Fatin "really?" "yes" kissing the girl "come on i don't want anyone seeing us" Fatin said walking away Fatin wasn't comfortable telling everyone about her and Y/n Y/n understood her she was in her place at one point so she agreed and left. Y/n went over to Rachel "i can't say i know how you feel because i've never lost a sibling but i know how you feel losing someone" Rachel stared out at the ocean "what happened" "she was my best-friend we were best-friends for 2 years but it felt longer she was like my big sister she passed away from suicide grieving is a difficult process but i promise i'm not here to baby you or keep a watch tower over you but grieving is hard everyone grieves different" "how did you grieve" Y/n took a deep breath "it's off and on some days i'll feel amazing knowing she's in a safe place but some days i wish i knew what was going on" Rachel laid her head on Y/n's shoulder "i'm sorry" Y/n said wiping her tears "i got you okay i'm here if you need anything now come on we're moving locations i could pick you up if you don't feel like walking"

Rachel sat there still looking at the ocean "i'll come but when we get there can we bury Nora's stuff?" Y/n nodded her head "of course come on kid get on my back" Y/n called everyone kid regardless how old they are. Rachel hopped on her back while Y/n held Nora's stuff and her legs. They arrived to the location "i'd like to bury Nora's jacket" The group looked at her and nodded their heads "of course come on" They found a clean place near them and dig a hole they put Nora's stuff in there and Dot put her last cigarette in the hole "Martha told me it was a sign of respect" "we burn tabaco for respect" Martha said i smiled at her Dot lit the stick up and put in the hole, all the girls got onto their knees and buried the things after that Y/n gave Rachel a hug "get some rest okay" Y/n headed to her little area beside Fatin the two girls stayed up until everyone fell asleep Fatin kissed Y/n "goodnight i'll see you tomorrow" "goodnight" The both fallen asleep pretty quickly in front of the fire feeling the warmth of each other and it.

The next day

Dot was the first one to wake up then Toni and Shelby then martha then Rachel then Leah then Fatin and Y/n. "rise and shine birds we have some exploring to do" Dot said grabbing some old water bottles they found when the plane crashed "Fatin and Y/n go to the waterfall" "Shelby and Toni go find some more bamboos to build" "Leah and Rachel look around for anything" "Martha go find some berries don't kill anything okay?" Martha nodded her head after her meltdown Everyone advised her to not kill anything anymore. Everyone went their own ways Y/n and Fatin goofing around until they found the waterfall "oh my god yes" Y/n took off her shirt and dived in the nice warm water Fatin joined in after her "it feels so nice babe" Y/n said Fatin swam closer to her and wrapped her arms around her neck "you look beautiful" Y/n said "please my skin is peeling from the sun" Fatin said "still you look amazing". The two lovers swam around for a bit more until they filled up the bottles and headed back to their place.
792 words :)))

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