i love more than anyone actually.

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Fatin wasn't exactly the PDA type person in front of the group who everyone calls the unsinkable 8, she knew the girls would tease her for being all lovey dovey with Y/n but behind door Fatin loved the attention loved the kisses and compliments it was her first time ever feeling loved by someone without being seen as a one night stand. Fatin is the biggest softie Y/n has ever met she loved cuddles she loved hearing 'i love you's' she loves it all.

Y/n and Fatin had been busy since Y/n has started her business and Fatin has been busy practicing performances the two girls rarely saw each other but when they did Fatin gave her so much love "baby you act like you haven't seen me in years" Y/n said holding Fatin up "it feels like forever i missed you so much" "i missed you too how's practice going" Fatin got down and walked Y/n to the kitchen as she talked "it's going good i'm not nervous or anything but it's going well i do want you to be there and watch me perform also i made you dinner" Fatin gave Y/n her plate "thank you my love and are you sure? you know how your parents feel about me" Fatin parents never liked the fact that she liked girls or the fact that she's dating Y/n they think if Fatin dates her Y/n will ruin her chances of getting into a good music school.

"don't worry about my parents you don't have to sit with them or talk to them you can sit somewhere else don't worry i just want you to be there plus i'll look very pretty" Fatin said giving Y/n a cocky smile "you always look pretty, thank you for the food i could've made it myself i appreciate it though so when's your performance?" "this weekend on Saturday at 7" Y/n quickly was thinking if she had anything to do this weekend "okay i will probably be able to go" Fatin got up clapping her hands "yes thank you baby" She said running to Y/n kissing her cheek "i'm gonna go practice a bit more" "remember to take breaks love" Y/n said to her. Y/n continued eating and texting her employees about how she won't be there this weekend, Y/n washed up her plate and went to go see Fatin in her practice room knocking on the door she heard Fatin stop playing "remember don't sleep late okay?" "okay Y/n/n" "i'm gonna be in bed if you need me just call me" "okay my love" Fatin said with a pretty smile.

Y/n headed upstairs to change into her pajamas and get comfortable in her bed, Y/n felt so sore from working so getting in bed she felt herself relax finally. She grabbed the remote and turned on the TV putting on Netflix watching Queens Gambit, after a hour Fatin came upstairs "baby are you awake?" Y/n heard Fatin whisper, "yeah i'm up what's wrong" "nothing i just wanted to see you" Fatin quickly got into comfortable clothes and jumped on Y/n causing Y/n to groan "babyyy" Y/n saying dragging the end Fatin began to kiss all over face "i love you so so so much" Fatin said laying her forehead on Y/n's, Y/n flips them over so now Y/n is on Fatin "i love you so much beautiful" "more than your books?" Fatin said looking at the girl with so much love "mmm that's going a bit far" Fatin kisses Y/n passionately "rude" Y/n giggles at her response "okay fine i love you more than my books" Y/n bought her forehead to Fatins "good" "i love you more than anyone actually" Y/n gives Fatin such a sweet kiss "come on my love i'm exhausted"

Fatin got under the blanket getting comfortable in Y/n's arms "i can't wait to see you perform" Y/n said in her raspy voice "i can't wait my outfit is gonna be so pretty" "you always look pretty" Fatin hummed in response "goodnight my love" "goodnight baby"
709 words :) sorry it's so short i just love this imagine a lot <3

Fatin Jadmani/Sophia Ali imagines Where stories live. Discover now