high school sweethearts

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Y/n and Fatin had been dating since junior year they're high school sweethearts when they both graduated they were long distance for a bit since they both went to different colleges. Fatin majored criminal justice and Y/n majored in Business the later got a apartment together for a couple days Fatin had been getting home late Y/n figured it was from work but it's been 2 weeks since she started it.

Y/n was planning on propose to the love of her life she had everything planned she even asked for Fatin's dad permission, Y/n even told the Fatin's group of friends Shelby was so excited to help plan it was the day before she was going to propose.

Y/n's POV

I was sitting on the living room couch waiting for Fatin it was 2am i heard the door open i got up happy to see her "hi baby" i said tiredly Fatin took off her shoes "hi love" "how was work?" "it was good" "are you hungry?" Fatin nodded no "no i ate earlier i'm tired i'm gonna head to bed" "wait" i said stopping her "i want to take you out on a date" Fatin looked at me "okay just tell me what the time" she said dryly i ignored it and passed it as she was tired i let her go to bed i went up 10 minutes after.

I went to go to bed after Fatin turned in her sleep so her back was facing me i got up kissed her cheek then went back to bed.

The next day.

I woke up at 12 i thought we were both off work but Fatin had to go for the morning to take care of something i called Shelby "okay we'll be there in two hours just make sure it's all good and bring the gang i'm sure Fatin misses you guys" "okay Y/n/n" I hanged up and went to shower after a hour Fatin came home "we're leaving in a hour we're gonna be outside so wear something good for it" I went to go change in a comfortable outfit and made us some lunch "come eat love" i said yelling to Fatin we finished eating and went to go change "i'll meet you in the car babe" I went to go grab the ring and car keys then headed outside to the car. Fatin came in the car and we drove to the location it was a picnic at a very pretty park Shelby and the gang is probably around here somewhere.

"wow Y/n this looks amazing" "thank you i tried my best" We sat down on the blanket and talked while eating the sun was going down and i was super nervous but i wanted to i really love her i get up wipe off any residue on my pants and get on one knee "what Y/n" "Fatin Jadmani we met in high school and i knew you were the one will you marry me?" Fatin got up "i don't love you anymore" My heart dropped i got up "what?" "i don't love you anymore i've been cheating on you" fuck this is so embarrassing i mean the gang is here too "with who?" "a girl i work with" i started crying she tried coming closer to me "get the hell away from" i backed away "you guys can come out" i said yelling as everyone came out their hiding spot "shit" Fatin said i wiped my tears away as Shelby came to me "it's okay shelbs can you clean this up for me" Shelby nodded "i'll take you home Y/n/n" Martha said i gave Fatin the ring "i hope she treats you good just pick up your stuff at my place take care of yourself" i walked as Martha had her arm around me when we got to my car i gave her the keys and she gave me a hug i broke down.

"i was so in love with her she was coming home late but i assumed it was work" I cried in Martha's shoulder she rubbed my back "i know i'm sorry don't worry let's get you home" I spent the car ride crying Martha saying comforting words every once in a while. We got to my apartment Martha told me everyone was coming to see me they all decided to spend the night with me comforting me and trying to make me feel better.
756 words :)

Fatin Jadmani/Sophia Ali imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt