Seven Deadly Sins

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Because of the seven deadly sins, seven promises were broken, seven lies were told and seven games were played.

PRIDE - he took pride in his existence. he was boastful, a walking face of narcissism.

GREED - she was greedy, greedy for his malicious love.

LUST - if anything could turn him on and made him beg was her. he was dangerously obsessed, wanting every bit of her.

ENVY - nothing made her envious more than those girls getting closer to him. If she wanted, she could easily remove them from his life, either by threatening or by killing.

GLUTTONY - both of them were hungry for each other, the hunger was never satisfied and it didn't took long enough to turn unhealthy.

WRATH - if anything which could scare him was her wrath.

SLOTH - she wasn't a sloth but laziness crept inside her bones for she was just tired, and henceforth she gave up fighting for him.

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