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"That's it!"

A door slammed in the face of Clay Puppington, which only made him angrier.

"You think you're so clever, huh? Now that you've read all these books and talked to some shrink. That "doctor" is filling your head with mindless nonsense." He yelled at the brown haired boy packing a duffel bag.

"At least he listens, instead of using it as an excuse to hit me!" The boy yells in return. "All I wanted was someone to talk to, and you couldn't even give me that!" He screamed, tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

Orel has been waiting on the day that he finally turned 18. His plan was simple, run away with the love of his life and never return. But unfortunately, his parents found out. His mother, Bloberta, had no emotion, simply shrugging and saying "He'll come to visit." But Orels father, Clay, was a different story.

"I gave you everything you needed! Food, shelter, and even those clothes. All you ever did was whine and whine like a little girl." Clay thrashed, the glass in his hand spilling the highball he was drinking.
Orel didn't say a word, moving past his abusive parent. He knew every reaction he gave could be used against him. He grabbed his duffelbag, but stopped at his parents bedroom.

Orel looked into the face of his mother as she sat in bed. All she did was stare at the wall, eyes swollen from her cries earlier. "Mom, please. You don't have to stay. You can even take shapey and block." He whispered at her, hoping to get any kind of response from her.

Not a word came from Bloberta as her son pleaded with her. Eventually he gave up, knowing he couldn't do a thing. Orel shook his head and sighed, grabbing the duffel bag from the floor and walking to the front door.

All of the sudden, he could feel a strong grasp on his arm. He knew that feeling well enough, and in response he yanked it from the drunk and raised his fist.

He stopped. Staring into Clay's eyes, the gentle smirk on his face. If he strikes, Clay wins. If he doesn't.. then what?

Orel lowered his hand and sighed. "You're not worth it." He said calmly, turning the knob and walking out the door. As soon as he closed it, he could hear glass shattering at the door. He winced, but walked on toward the car.

Orel threw his bag in the back seat, and sat in the passengers seat. In the driver's was the one person who truly understood. Christina. It had been only a few months since they got engaged, but he already knew she was his world.

Christina placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a warm smile. Orel looked at the woman with sad eyes, but once glance at her made everything better. No words were exchanged as they drove away from Moralton.

Their new life awaited.

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