Chapter 14

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Happy Holidays!
"Orel left?"

Those were the words that came out of Stephanie's mouth once she had heard the news. She sat at the table across from her father, who she still had trouble calling dad every now and then. He would always be that non-threatening reverend she reconnected with years prior. Stephanie sipped at the mug placed in front of her, the words "God's bestie" printed in the front.

"I know, took us all by surprise. But.. I'll be honest, I could see it happening. He was never the same after that trip he took with that drunk of a father." The Reverend shrugged, arms crossed on the wood table. Unlike him, she was shocked. He didn't even say goodbye? That was so unlike the beam of Christian sunshine she knew. Maybe that was the problem, she and others only saw the surface.

A part of her wanted to be mad that he didn't even say goodbye. Was that selfish? She didn't know what the truth of the situation was. All she could do was think. "Good for him." Stephanie replied.

The two adults talked for hours, everyone just puzzled on who that strange woman was. "Mom, do you know her?" Christian asked. Christina shrugged "I.. She feels so familiar. I can't put my finger on it." She replied. Everyone got quiet once Orel walked into their room again. "Guys, I wanted to introduce you to an old friend. This is Stephanie, I knew her growing up."

Stephanie had grown, that's for sure. Grey hair covered her short hair, still in a ponytail. She had wrinkles, and a couple of new tattoos. "Is.. that Jesus smoking a Marijuana cigarette?" Orel replied, staring at the one on her arm. Stephanie giggled with the warmth that naturally radiated off of her. "Marijuana cigarette? Are you 75 or something?" She shakes her head and walks into the Puppington motel room. "Oh wow, I can't believe it. You and your little Orelette finally got together, I was rooting for you both." Stephanie stood, hands on her hips as she looked over at Christina.

"Wait, you know who I am?" Christina asked, a puzzled expression now across her face. "Of course I do. I'll never forget that arms length dance, where you met that merciful angel of kissing." The pieces had been put together, a light switch had turned on. Christina's expression got wide as she laughed "Oh my god, you're that girl that drove us!" She practically hugged her after that. Stephanie chuckled, patting Christina's back. "Someone's a hugger.."

"Okay, but you gotta tell me. Why are you here? HOW are you here?" Orel asked. Stephanie, now out of the middle aged woman's grasp, sighs "You know people leave their hometowns once and a while, right? I think I'm just.. visiting." She shrugged. "That didn't sound too convincing." Mary chimed in. Christina shot her a look and sighed "Christian, take your sister to the vending machine." She asked of her son as she dug through her purse for change. Once the two children were gone, the adults could really talk.

"Is everything alright?" Orel asked, sitting on the bed next to his wife. Stephanie sighed, sitting in a large armchair with fading floral print. "You left pretty abruptly. Never got to say goodbye." Stephanie explained, her eyes softening at the couple. Orel frowned, he honestly felt horrible for leaving so quickly in the way he did. But you only have so much time to leave your abusive home. "Stephanie.. I'm so sorry. I wish I had said goodbye-"

"I figured, Don't worry about it. I don't hold a grudge against you for it after all." Stephanie smiles, patting her thighs. "A lot has changed, you know. With Moralton, myself, everyone there. It's not the same town you remember leaving."

This shocked him. What town was he bringing his family to? Scratch that, was it even safe anymore? Okay, Moralton wasn't ever exactly too safe ethically speaking, But he was still nervous nonetheless. "Me and Geraldine, Waxine's mom and my-" Stephanie shows off the silver band around her ring finger "-wife are heading back to visit the Reverend." She shrugged, Noticing Orel's wide smile "See? I knew you guys would hit it off!" He giggled, taking his wife's hand. Stephanie nodded "Okay, your turn. Why are you coming back after so long?"

After explaining himself, Stephanie was taken aback. She heard from the Reverend how awful his dad could be, recounting that story at the bar he had told her. But all of THAT? Coming from the boy who she saw as a ball of pure sunshine? It was intense. But Orel wasn't a boy anymore, just a man with a family.

Jesus christ, how long had it been?

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