Chapter 2 (TW: Panic Attack)

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"We can talk about it later."

Once Orel was finally alone, he tried to keep his composure. But the stress continued, no matter what method he tried. Listening to music? Nope, focusing on breathing? Not helping. He hadn't thought of his parents in years, let alone having his children around them.

Orel swerved to the side of the road, bursting through the driver door and collapsing to the ground. His breathing intensified as hot tears streamed down his face. With his entire body shaking, he grabbed his phone, attempting to call Christina.

But something inside him hesitated, not sure if he even should. He took a deep breath and put his phone away, wiping his tears as he walked back to the car. "It's been so long.. why am I so upset?" Orel thought to himself. One thing he could always rely on was prayer, so he began.

He mumbled some words, asking for protection over himself and his family. Orel confessed to how a small part of him wanted his son to ask for something else. Anything else. If he wanted to convert to Satanism, he'd willingly follow. But not THIS.


"So, did you ask him?" A feminine voice asked Christian. He sighed and shook his head "Nope, well I did. But he blew me off completely. I don't know what to do, Feltina." Christian frowned, closing his locker after grabbing his lunch. "Well, did he ever talk about his side of the family? Maybe it's a touchy subject for him." The curly haired teen replied.

Feltina had been Christian's best friend and neighbor since they were nine. What caused the friendship to grow were how their parents had gone to the same church. They would often steal communion wafers and drink the church wine, talking about their lives and what was going on in them. From sibling troubles to dumb parental arguments, they could count on eachother.

"I guess, but I mean if it was so bad he should've said something to us." Christian groans, sitting at a cafeteria table and pulling out his lunch as Feltina did the same. "But if it WAS so bad, you should probably leave it alone." She said all while taking a bite of her food. "Yeah.. but I know everything about the Posabules. Why not my namesake!"

"Dude, no matter what I'm sure he'll tell you SOMETHING." Feltina shrugs, taking a sip from her water bottle. Christian sighed, grabbing the fork provided in his lunch and began to play with his food "Maybe I shouldn't.." He thought to himself. But he finally had the courage to ask about the picture on the family wall in the living room just a couple years back when he was 12. Was he pushing it too far?

Only God knows.

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