Chapter 1

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The sound of the alarm blared in Orels ears, causing him to wince in annoyance. He grabbed his phone and hit snooze, groaning as he hoped to get at least a bit more sleep. However, the day had different plans.

First a giggle, then a thud, then finally what felt like a punch to his gut. "Wake up, mom made breakfast!" Called a young voice. Orel had no choice but to wake up now, for this was his youngest child Mary waking him up, and she didn't take well to the word no. "Morning to you too.." Orel yawned, rubbing his eyes and kissing the brown hair on her head.

She groaned and gagged, wiggling out of his grasp. "Dad, I'm 10 now! I don't need to be kissed like a baby." She scoffed. Orel faked a gasp, playing along "You're right! You're a grown woman, so tell me.. have you cleaned your room?" He smirks, possibly catching her in a Gotcha Moment. She nodded "Cleaned AND I even packed my own lunch for school." Mary smiles wide.

"That's a lie and you know it!" A masculine voice yells out, causing Mary to blush. "Lying is a sin." A boy with scruffy light brown hair pops into the room, leaning his body on the door frame. "So is looking like a wet dog." Mary replies to the boy, sticking her tongue out. Orel rolls his eyes and shoves the two out of his bedroom. "Alright, go get ready for school. I'm dropping you off today." He explained to the two. Mary runs off, her braided hair messy from the night. Christian, however, stays behind.

"Um dad.. Listen. My birthday is coming up. And I was wondering if you could get me a gift I REALLY want this year!" Christian fiddles with his fingers nervously. Orel notices this and places his hand on his arm "We can talk about it after school, now come on." Orel gives Christian and gentle smile as he closes the door gently.

After going to school and settling in Somewhereville, Orel and his wife Christina had their hearts set on having a family. On one hand, they were more than thrilled to bring life into this world, on the other hand he didn't want to be anything like his father. Their home was filled with gentle parenting books, articles on trauma work, and of course the Bible (What to expect when youre expecting to expect). All they could ask for was to never become like their family before them. ESPECIALLY no spankings.

"Christina! Have you seen my-"
"Car keys?" Christina chuckles, handing him his keys with a playful grin. Orel shook his head and smiled back "I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on." Orel said, giving Christina a kiss before heading to the car. "Come on, the day awaits for the Puppingtons!" He called out. "We're right here, you know. No need to shout." Mary scoffed, finishing her pancakes.

The two filed out the door and head to the van, but Orel stayed behind to talk to Christina a bit. "Christian's birthday is Tuesday, I'll pick up the cake and you-"
"Will get the decorations. I promise you everything is handled. Now please get going, I don't want you to be late." Christina kissed his cheek and handed him his lunch.

Once Mary had been dropped off at her school, Christian nervously began to fiddle with his fingers again. "Alright, what do you want for your birthday?" Orel asked, patiently waiting for his answer. Christian gulped, his nervousness clear on his face. "Well, you know how I've been interested in our heritage and family history?" He asks, acknowledging his Fathers nod. "Well.. I was wondering if we could talk to my grandparents and maybe get more information..?" He asked, almost in a whispery tone. Orel nodded "Sure, we can call up moms family once we get home and ask."

"I actually meant yours."

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