Holding Hands <3

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Me and my best friend Alex were sitting, bored, on the couch. This had been going on for about 30 minutes before I spoke.

"Wanna go for a walk?"

Alex replied "Yeah sure"

A few moments later I was waiting for him in the doorway. I wore a checked brown shirt, ripped jeans and brown converse shoes to match. When Alex rushed downstairs he looked at me as if he was sizing me up.

"You look good in that" he said after a moment of hesitation.

"Thanks," I replied "Thanks for noticing" I grinned.

Alex looked as though he wanted to say something but he decided not to. He shrugged it off and put a thin coat on before politely opening the door for me. I thanked him and walked out of the house, waiting for him to lock the door behind us. We walked slowly towards the park. We talked about the most stupid things on the way there.

"Would an artist draw an elephant riding a motorcycle if it was goodlooking?" he asked innocently.

"Where do you get these questions from? But yes, I think they would if they had the right motivation" I said trying hard to act serious.

He then looked at me intensly.

"What?" I asked.

"You've got some toothpaste there" he said pointing to a spot near my lips.

"Oh, I'll get rid of it" I said, hastilly trying to wipe it off. I felt embarassed.

"Come here" he said as he was getting closer.

Alex reached out his hand and tried to wipe the toothpaste off. I immediately felt myself blush and I backed away slightly.

"Hold on" he said holding my face.

Now I was definetly very red.

Seeing that this wasn't working, Alex slightly licked his finger and rubbed the toothpaste off. Like a mother would do to a young child. This time Alex probably noticed that I was blushing. I was absolutely suprised but I didn't feel angry or anything. I was so confused. It felt like butterflies in my stomach and I never felt this way before about Alex but it was wonderful. Suddenly his eyes seemed to shine as he stared at me and his smile was the only thing in focus for me. I realised he was staring at me because I was.

"Why are you acting so stunned?" he asked.

"Nothing," I replied untruthfully "lets keep walking"

We walked through the park awkwardly trying to start conversations. Eventually we found a free bench to sit on and me and Alex flopped onto it. I put my hand down inbetween us and looked around, taking in the wonders of the park. Alex seemed more interested in my hand. After a few moments if staring at it, he grabbed my hand and quickly looked away as I sharply turned to face him. I wasn't mad. I was Just suprised. I kept holding his hand in mine as our fingers intertwined. For the next 10 minutes we Just sat there, holding hands. I didn't feel like I needed to and I think Alex did as well. Our emotions were still conveyed without speech, but with touch. Alex finally brought up the courage to speak.

"I think you're really beautiful" he said softly.

"You're beautiful too" I said, flustered.

Alex smiled and tightened his grip on my hand.

"I'm glad we feel the same way about eachother"



Thank you so much for 114 views im so suprised. I hope you liked this chapter i thought it was really cute and i really enjoyed writing it.

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