Ordering Pizza <3

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Pov: Quackity is your boyfriend.


Me and Alex lied in our bed, not doing anything productive. Alex had his head on my lap and I was gently playing with his soft, fluffy, dark hair. Silky strands of it flowed between my fingers like a river. I ruffled his hair and gave him a soft kiss on his tender forehead.

"Y/n..." he whispered.


"I'm hungry"

I started at him in disbelief. I thought he was gonna say something romantic or sweet but he just says he's hungry? I care for him either way so I took out my phone and said,

"Do you wanna order pizza?"

"Sure, pass me your phone for a second"

I gave him the phone and immediately he giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You have a picture of me as your wallpaper."


"Well...Never mind. What's your password again?"

"I thought you'd remember it. It's literaly your birthday."

"You're so obsessed"

"With what?"


"Well I can't lie"

I watched him laugh sweetly as he unlocked the phone. We finished ordering a large pizza for us both (my favourite kind) and Alex gave the phone back to me. I quickly noticed that he managed to change the wallpaper to a close-up photo of his face. It was kinda cute.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Change the wallpaper"

"I thought you'd like it. I could change it back if you don't."

"No, it's cute"



"Thanks babe"

He gave me a soft kiss. I held his face and felt his soft cheeks against the palm of my hand. The way his skin felt always had me mesmerized. I looked into his beautiful dark eyes. They were such a unique shade of brown, I had never seen it in anyone's eyes before. Oh my god he's so pretty. I thought as he gave me a shy smile. I rested my head against his chest and enjoyed the comfort. Not long after I heared the doorbell ring. Me and Alex both stood up at the same time and bumped into eachother.

"Ow- sorry" he said.

"Sorry" I also said almost at the same time.

Me and Alex went downstairs and opened the door. The food delivery guy gave us a pizza then we thanked him. He drove off. Alex and I carried the pizza into the living room where we would eat it. I poured some drinks for me and my boyfriend and took them into the main room. He was waiting for me on the couch and thanked me for bringing his drink. Almost as soon as I sat on the couch, Alex climbed on top of me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I questioned.


"On my lap?"

"Yeah" he said smugly.

I scoffed but wrapped one arm around his waist. With the other I reached for a slice of pizza. I held it in front of Alex's face and he took a bite. I then bit the pizza. This continued util we finished the slice.

"Am I seriously gonna have to feed you like a baby?" I asked.


"And why exactly?"

"Uhh I dunno"

I giggled but continued feeding him the pizza. Soon all of it was gone and I could tell that my boyfriend was getting sleepy. His eyelids drooped and he moved less. I shook him a bit.

"Wake up!" I giggled.


"You're practically asleep."


"I'm not carrying you up to our bed when you fal asleep here so you'll sleep all alone."

"Pfft- you wouldn't be able to sleep without me!"

"We'll see" I said as I started to get up.


Alex grabbed hold of me tightly and I couldn't go anywhere. I soon realised there was no piont in fighting so I just layed there in his warm embrace. It was honsetly really nice. Alex quickly drifted away and slightly let go of his grip on me however, I decided to stay with him. It did feel better with him around afterall. I touched his soft, sleepy face and I soon drifted off myself.



Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this one, it was slightly longer. I also have another idea to write but I think its gonna be really cringey. I'll post it anyway and if People find it cringey then I will just delete it.


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