School project <3

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a/n: this is another one where y/n and quackity are minors (14-15 years old) so no smut/sexualisation ofc.


I walked into class, yawning and saw most of the seats were taken. My friends were in different classes so I couldn't sit next to them anyway. I looked to the far corner of the classroom to see a guy from my class in the seat next to the window on his phone. The kids name was Alex. I'd spoken to him a few times but we never became good friends or anything. I just knew that he existed and that was about it. I trudged over to Alex, deciding that it was better then sitting with the popular kids at the front.

"Hey can I sit next to you?" I asked.

Alex seemed a bit surprised at first but then he gave me a weak smile and told me that i could.

I dropped my bag on the floor and sat down in the seat next to him. I glanced to my left, towards Alex. Now that I was closer to him I started to realise how he was kinda pretty. I liked the way his hair poked out at random angles from under his beanie. It was cute. I turned away and tried to forget all about it. I'd only been next to him for a few seconds.

For most of the lesson I was pretty much zoned out like I usually am. I didn't pay attention until the teacher mentioned a project.

"With the person sitting next to you, you will have to make a presentation on why..." the teacher droned on.

I didn't catch the last part. I completely lost interest when the teacher said we would have to work with the person next to us. Did this mean I had to work with Alex?

The bell rang. I was about to leave the classroom when i felt Alex grab my wrist gently. I swear I blushed a bit.

"Oh i'm sorry," he said in the most adorable and gentle voice ever, "since we're working together on the project, would you like to come to my house after school to work on it?" he asked. "heres my number" he handed me a piece of paper with a few digits on.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks" I replied.

He smiled.

It took almost all my energy to try not to blush at his smile. God, I think i'm falling for this guy.

After a few lessons came the end of the school day. I picked up all my stuff and headed towards the exit. On my way I noticed Alex standing in the corridor.

"Hi alex!" i said.

"Uh hi," he said cheerfully, "Do you wanna come home with me so we can do our project?"

I nodded and smiled as we made our way out and down the street. As we walked I couldn't help but notice one of the popular girls staring at me and Alex but i didn't think much of it. To be honest, they stare at anyone who doesn't act exactly like them.

Soon we got to Alex's house. It was a cosy little home, not to far from mine and at the end of a not so busy road.

"Hey mom" alex called as we walked in.

"Hello Alex" she called back, "who is this Alex?" she asked, turning to me.

"Oh, this is y/n, they're doing our project with me and I bring them over to start now" Alex replied.

"Hi" I said.

"Hi, y/n, don't forget to tell me if you need anything ok?" his mom told me.

Alex took me up to his room. It was quite big. He had a double bed and a desk and even a pc. As I walked in he made sure to turn off the monitor on it.

"You can sit down if you like" He said, signalling the bed while he sat on the chair by his desk.

I sat down and looked at him. I couldn't help but think about how beautiful his eyes were. They were such a deep dark brown colour and they glinted slightly.

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