Tiger <3

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In this one you and Alex are roommates again.


"Hey y/n?" Alex asked.


"Do you mind if I bring my cat to live with us?"

"Of course I don't mind! Why wouldn't you ask earlier?"

"I was worried if maybe you're allergic to cats or you don't like them and I really wanted to live with you so I left him with my parents"

"You should have brought him anyway"

"Ok, I'll be bringing him later today"

Time skip: a few hours

Alex came back home with a portable cat carrier and closed the door behind him. He carefully opened the carrier and let the Cat outside. I was immediately in awe. The cat was so cute and wholesome it almost made me tear up.

"This is Tiger. Be careful, he's a bit agressive" Alex said.

I stroked the cat gently.

"You're so cute!" I told Tiger.

He started sniffing me. I think this is a way of cats getting to know people. I kept stroking him until he put a paw on my hand. It kinda hurt with his sharp claws and I gasped.

"Tiger!" Alex exclaimed, "Don't hurt y/n. They are very precious"

I blushed frantically. He then picked the cat up.

"Thank you" I said.

"Don't worry about it. I told you he's very agressive"

"It's honestly fine. He's to cute to be angry at" I giggled.

"Like you"



"It's ok"

Alex looked up at me hopefully. I looked back, blushing and I stared at him. I noticed how sweet him and Tiger looked next to eachother. I reached out my hand and strokes the cat but almost as soon as my hand met with his fluffy fur I pulled away. My hand dragged itself towards Alex. I reached out and pulled his beanie off. My hand made contact with his hair which was almost as soft as Tiger's fur. I stroked it softly and just as his eyes sparkled, he closer them. Alex had a suprised but pleased look on his face. He looked so happy. I was so engaged in it, I didn't even notice Tiger looking up at us with a look that could only be described as jealousy.

This continued for about a minute before I noticed Tiger in Alex's arms again. I giggled at his jealous look and softly rubbed his forehead. I looked back at Alex and he stared back at me with a pleased smile. I lied down against his chest and Tiger was between us. I wrapped one arm around my boyfriend and with the other, I stroked Tiger. They both seemed to enjoy it.

"So I'm glad you've met our son" Alex said with a smirk, kissing my cheek.



This one is shorter than my other ones but I tried to make it good. Thank you for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it. If you have any suggestions please comment them. I will always try to write a suggestion.


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