The Unexpected Pt.1(HongBin)

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Part 2 coming soon.

Have fun


"And first place goes to..." The MC host paused. you were standing up on the stage in silence. your legs were shaking. your heart was beating. your looked to your left and saw 5 other beautiful women looking down, their hands were on each other's shoulders. On your right were 6 handsome men, VIXX, your rival group.

"...EXCELSIS!" The MC announced and you couldn't believe what happened. as you turned to hug your fellow members, you were suddenly pulled into a hug.

"well done today Han Ji," the voice said. you couldn't see who he was, but his soft, subtle scent wafted up your nose, "he smells delicious" you thought as you turned around. "HONGBIN!?!" you exclaimed in surprise, he was the last person you expected to come up and hug you. Your insides melted, "ah... sorry," you broke the hug and blushed sheepishly, "I... I have to catch up with my girls." you saw the other members of your group wave at you, you heard Hongbin let out a small, quiet sigh as he scratched his perfectly styled, shiny black hair.

you remember meeting Hongbin for the first time, back in your trainee days. Jellyfish Entertainment's CEO introduced you and your group to your brother band - VIXX. Since that day, you've always had a thing for Hongbin, but he never seemed to notice you. until today. until now.


"Hongbin Hyung! why are you so down today? is it because we lost? to girls? or is it that time of the month for you?" Ravi put his hand on Hongbin's left shoulder. "WHAT?!? NO! I'M NOT ON MY PERIOD! geez Ravi, only girls.... girls...." Hongbin let out a loud sigh and stood up. "Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter... she'll never say yes..." he mumbled as he walked off.

"wait, what? Who'll never say yes?" N perked up, he was hiding behind the wall that separated the two bedrooms. "N... it's none of your business..." Ken took a run-up and leapt at Hongbin, tackling him onto the ground. "Tell us, we're your hyungs! we'll help you!" Hyuk shouted. "geez you guys, why are you always... argh... stuff it... fine..." Hongbin pushed Ken off and stood up. "The girl... that i hugged today, her name is Han Ji... we met her and EXCELSIS back when they were trainees... well... after that day, i kind of..." he paused and blushed, "i kind of fell for her, i think she did too... but i kept giving her the cold shoulder... i probably shouldn't have done that but at the time... it felt right... I probably hurt her feelings with my actions... i know that if i confess to her.... i just know that she will never say yes..." Hongbin broke down in tears, his hyungs gathered around him and gave him a group hug. "We'll get her to say yes," Leo gave Hongbin the thumbs up and smiled, "We'll do it! for you!"

Hongbin wiped the tears away from his eyes with Ravi's shirt, "eeewwww hyung." Ravi whined, but the others laughed, including Hongbin.


"omygosh! i swear he likes you! i swear! i swear!" one of your fellow group members yelled as she jumped around. "What no!?! How is that possible?" You exclaimed. Your friend came up to you and whispered "I saw him get a boner when he was watching you dancing on stage earlier..." You blushed at the thought of Hongbin having an erection. "No way..." You thought And stood up to go to VIXX's dorm. It's time for the boys to have a visitor.

You put on a cute white dress with a black trim and some matching flats. You pulled your hair to one side and did your make up, putting eyeliner and light pink lipstick. As soon as you were done, you grabbed your black designer bag and left the dorm.


*Ding Dong* the door bell rang loudly.

"Yah Leo... Go get it." Ken moaned from the bedroom as he dozed off again. Leo got up and crept to the door, he looked through the peep hole. "OHMYGOSH! It's HANJI! Err... What do I do?" Leo turned around to face the others, HongBin's face went bright red.

"Let her in! Let her in!" Ravi jumped out from the kitchen and Leo opened the door.

"ah hello Hanji" Leo greeted you as you stepped in.

"Hello Leo" you smiled and waved. "Hello Ravi, Ken, Hyuk, N and.... HongBi-" your face went bright pink, "ahhh Hongbin Oppa.... What are you wearing?" You looked at Hongbin, and he looked down, realising that he was only wearing his underwear.

"oh crap..." HongBin mumbled.

"HONGBIN!" N shouted, "what were you doing in your bedroom?" N winked at HongBin, and HongBin looked at you.

"ahhh..... Nothing..." He scratched the back of his head and laughed shyly.

You couldn't but notice that a slight bulge was forming at HongBin's crotch area.

"So it's true..." You mumbled quietly, hoping that the others wouldn't hear.

HongBin laughed and ran off to put some proper clothes on, as he was away, Hyuk came up to you and started to talk.

"so... HanJi... You do know that Honggie here has a major crush on you right?"

"Wait what!?"

"HongBin likes you... Didn't you see his ehehehe.... Erection? ehehe" Hyuk laughed immaturely at his usage of adult words.

You immediately got up and went to Hongbin's room and knocked on the dark brown, wooden door. "ahh... HongBin Oppa" you called

"ah coming!" came the reply, and you giggled as he opened the door hastily.

"come in come in" he gestured with a sheepish smile as you slowly stepped into his room. "wow... it's so big..." you said, looking at the spacious interior.

"that's not the only thing that's big..." Hongbin mumbled.

"What was that? did you say something?" you turned around.

"ah no no.... nothing nothing..." his face went pink and he smiled shyly.

You decided to make the first move. "Hongbin Oppa... ahh... Do you like me?" you asked loudly, and waited for his reply. His face turned from a light pink to a bright red. "ahhh....."

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