Suprise on Christmas (Lee Joon)

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Hope you have a fun Joonmas too :3

But seriously, Merry Christmas!!!!

This one is shorter and sweeter ^_^
Smut not included - No smut on Christmas (sorry)


Today was Christmas, the best day of the year. The day that you and your boyfriend, Lee Joon, or Joon-Chan - as you called him, go out together and have fun.

"Joon-Chan! Wake up! It's Christmas!" You ran into the bedroom and jumped on his lap, bouncing on him, causing him to open his eyes groggily. "Yaah, stop dry humping me! I'm sleeping!" He lightly pushed you off and rolled over. "Hmm well fine... Jooney Bum isn't getting his presents," you stuck out your tongue as you got off the bed, only to be grabbed and pulled back.

"Jooney Bum doesn't need presents... Jooney Bum already has the best gift" he mumbled with his eyes closed and your insides exploded due to his immense cuteness.

"Get up! It's almost 9 o'clock!" You poked his cheek until he finally gave in and sat up. "Hmm but first, I want you to take of my shirt," he said cheekily. "Uh oh... What was he going to do? Christmas sex? No... Not now... Maybe? His abs are just perfect though... Maybe I'll just-" you thought as you slid his shirt off, not only revealing perfect abs, but a small gift, wrapped in bright red paper with mini santas everywhere.

He smiled at you and nodded, so you carefully unstuck the taped gift and opened it. It was a small black box, with silver lettering around the rims, saying "I Love You"

You curiously opened the small box, finding a pretty silver ring inside and a small note. "To my little Bae, I love you so much, that not even the words on this note can explain. So I really wanted to ask you something... But ahh... I'm such a coward, so I decided to write this note to you instead. I wanted to ask you this" the note ended... Not with words... But a drawing.

The drawing was a very childish looking sketch, it was of a normal boy and a girl holding hands, the only difference was that the boy had unevenly drawn abs and the girl had an oversized T-Shirt. The girl and the boy were holding hands, both with a circle around their stick finger - "a ring?" you thought.

You looked at Joon with happy tears in your eyes, "so what were you going to ask me?" You giggled, "and nice picture by the way." He stood up and knelt down beside you, and held both of your hands. "Um... Bae... I um... Uh... What I wanted to say... Ask... Was-" he couldn't get the words out. "Come on Jooney Bum! You can do it!" You smiled. "Um... Will you marry me?" He blushed and looked away and you felt like you were about to cry. "Oh my gosh... Yes," you cried as you bent down to hug Joon, who was now laying on the floor, covering his face in embarrassment.

You both eventually got up, and walked out to the living area. Eying the huge tree that was decorated beautifully by both you and Joon. There were presents underneath the tree. Some were wrapped in gold, silver and white paper, while others had childish looking Christmas patterns every where.

You looked at Joon and he stood there and smiled. He wrapped an arm around your waist and gave you a long, passionate kiss, as if to say thank you. You broke the kiss and looked up at him, "Merry Christmas Jooney Bum!" You exclaimed in delight as you gave him a tight hug. "Merry Christmas my Bae! let's get started shall we?"

He pointed to all the presents under the tree and went to sit directly under it.
And you knew, no matter how old this man is, he would always have the mind of a child... "Ahh well... What can I do?" You thought and laughed as you watched him pick up a present and shake it near his ear, "That's my Jooney Bum..."

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