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(n.) a total inability to make decisions.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Charlotte squealed. "You two are dating. I knew it. You two totally liked each other. This is absolutely perfect because now we can go on a double date sometime. Well, you know, when I get a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. Or someone. I don't want to be forever alone!"

"You're far too dramatic, you know that?" I told my friend as we walked down the hallway.

"Oh I know," she grinned, laughing lightly.

"But seriously Char, you need to help me. Jasper said that I could pick our first date, but I don't even have any ideas."

Charlotte smirked at me. "You came to the right person, my friend. Alright, what do you both have in common?"

"I don't know," I replied, unable to come up with an answer at the moment.

"Right. How about dinner and a movie?" she suggested.

"Everyone does that. Next idea."

She laughed. "Not into anything mainstream, huh? Well what about a hike?"

"But it's supposed to rain on Saturday," I huffed, walking to my locker.

"Maybe a theatre performance?"

"Too classy," I answered simply, turning the lock and swinging the metal door open. I picked up my binder and slung my bag over my shoulder before shutting the locker again.

"A concert?"

"Too expensive."

"Take a cooking class together, or go to a bookstore! Oh, or maybe just play video games?"

"You've given me too many suggestions," I groan, thinking them all through. "I like a lot of them."

"You're the most indecisive person I know," she groaned before suddenly her eyes lit up. "Go visit a psychic!"

"I don't see how that's going to help my inability to make decisions..."

"No, silly," she laughed. "As a date. Get your fortune told."

"I like that idea!" I grinned, an excited look on my face. "I'll tell him."

"Finally. I thought we were going to be here all day," she laughed. "Now I need to get to class, but let me know how it goes."

"Bye," I smiled and walked to class with a skip in my step.

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