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(n.) the overwhelming desire to kiss.

The overpowering smell of vanilla incense filled my nose as soon as we stepped into the tiny building. Through the window, you could still see the neon light that attracted Jasper and I here in the first place. In bold, it said, Fortune Teller, and it was decorated with bright purple stars and tarot cards.

I gazed around curiously, eyeing up the eccentric decor crammed into every bookshelf and nook in the room. It was almost overwhelming.

"I'm kind of scared, you know," I told Jasper. "I mean, what if we find out something bad?"

The smirk that spread itself over his lips was enough to make me want to make out with him right there. Or at least kiss him. Or do something involving lips. Anything. "You know it's all fake, right?" His laughter filled the room and put me at ease.

I barely managed to get out the words "I know" when a lady walked into the room. Her hair was a mess of tangles that hung over her large blue eyes. They reminded me of an owl.

"Come sit, children," she said as she ushered the two of us over to a table in the corner of the overcrowded room. I sat beside Jasper, sending a slight smile his way.

"Now Fallon, let me see your palm," she said to me, holding out her hand to me. My eyes widened.

"How did you know my name?" I asked in amazement as I placed my hand in hers, the palm facing up.

She smiled gently. "Can't tell you that, dear."

Her fingers began to trace soft patterns along the grooves in my hand and I had to bite my lip because it tickled just a little. However, my hidden laughter soon ceased as I saw the growing frown on her face.

"What is it?" I asked quietly, trying not to let my nervousness slip into my voice.

Her owl-like eyes flickered over to Jasper for a moment before they met mine again. "I'm afraid that someone very close to you will hurt you if they continue down their path of carelessness."

Now it was my turn to frown. "What? Hurt me how?" I questioned curiously.

"Only time will tell, love," she replied with a sad smile before she gently released my hand and took Jasper's.

Her finger gracefully danced across his hand like it had done to mine, though the pattern seemed to be altered slightly. "You've pulled yourself into quite a situation, haven't you?" she asked, although she gave him no time to answer. "You are about to reach a fork in the road. I only hope you choose the right path." She patted his hand before letting it go.

I was speechless. Who did I love that would hurt me? It couldn't be Jasper or Charlotte. I needed to find out soon if I wanted to spare my feelings.


Jasper held his hand in mine as we left the small building, our hands swinging a little. Something seemed off about him though. I just couldn't place what it was.

"Are you alright?" I asked as we crossed the street.

"Yeah," he nodded, and I couldn't help it when my eyes dropped down to his lips. Damn it, they were just so kissable. It was an irresistible sensation and even though I wanted to know what was wrong, I just couldn't help it when I smashed my lips against his.

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