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Day 5

Hoseok was up, he washed up and then decided to order brunch for them before going to wake yoongi up.

He called the kitchen with Telecom and placed an order through and they said they were going to deliver the food in 40mins.

"Suga, get up okay, it's almost noon "

"No, give me five minutes" yoongi grumbled.

"No more five minutes you have been saying that all day"Hoseok lifted Yoongi up to wake him up but he failed cause both landed back on the bed making both laugh at theirselves.
  "Are you awake now?"Hoseok asked.Yoongi just nods his head.

Their brunch arrived, they ate and decided to check on their work. Both were busy on their laptop for almost the whole afternoon.

Hoseok finished with his stuff and decided to check on Yoongi since he was in the room while Yoongi was at the sitting space.

He got to the sitting space to see Yoongi facing his system seriously not even noticing Hoseok walking towards him.

"Hey handsome" Hoseok back hugged him.

"Hi, how are you doing baby"

"I'm good, but bored and hungry" Hoseok says now sitting beside Yoongi

"Well I booked a skating run up for us but it's tomorrow so maybe we should just go for shopping or sight seeing at the resort after having dinner, we could have snacks and buy something nice too Yoongi proposed.

"I also heard that there's a promising tree where lovers implant their names on it, so that even after death they can still rekindle" Hoseok says excitedly.

"That's true baby so we will go then" Yoongi asked to be sure.

"Yes! I want to go and seal our love forever" Hoseok says with light in his eyes.

Time skip!!!

They arrived at the night market Hoseok kept jumping about into different stores where they had to play games eat all kind of seafoods,snack they had ice cream and even bought a couple shirt which they changed into.

They both looked nice in their new shirts as they walked to the promise tree.

They got there to see lots of couples who also came to make vows and seal their love just like them.

They picked the card they would write their wishes on and both turned their backs to write their wishes the other party was not supposed to see what the other wrote.

They were done and both dropped their card in the hole near the tree and then picked the chalk to write their names on the tree using a love cloth to wrap around it.

"I love you Hoseok, you mean the world to me, without you I am incomplete and I promise to make you feel loved everyday of your life you will be spending with me" Yoongi vows as they both joined the foreheads together taking in each other's breath, then connected their lips in a soft kiss which didn't last for long but enough for them to express their feelings.

"I love you too Yoongi, you are my world, and I will be waiting for you to get back into my arms even if I have to wait all my life for you, I will, without regret".

Hoseok embraced Yoongi, they were crowded. But at that point they felt like the world had just both of them in it.

Closure sope ff /yoonseok ff ✔️Where stories live. Discover now