Germanic Family \\ Midnight

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(A/N: I love this fucking family so much. Why? I don't know. It's just something about them that makes me feel happy.)


Requested by: No One.

Characters: Germany/Ludwig, Prussia/Gilbert, Austria/Roderich, Switzerland/Vash, Liechtenstein/Lilli.

Ships: Mentions of GerIta


Lilli ran through the streets, with her hair hidden by her hood, disguising herself as someone other than the girl she was. She knew it wasn't safe to be running around the city past midnight, but Lilli had to find her brothers.

Taking every turn she was familiar with, she desperately looked for four tall men, or as they were to the young girl, her older brothers.

They were supposed to be home after midnight, but it was 2 in the morning, and they still weren't home. Well, Vash wasn't. She lived with him. And Lilli knew in her gut, that if one of them wasn't home, none of them were home.

It was a risky walk, with Lilli fearing if any of the people on the streets she ran on had harmful intentions. She hoped that with the clothes she chose to wear, she'd look male to the strangers around her, and maybe become less of a target. A strand of her blonde hair popped out from her hood, which she quickly fixed.

She knew they were out at a bar, as Vash had told her just before he'd left. She just didn't know which one, but she had an idea of the one they could be at. They normally didn't go out, but they'd decided to switch things up tonight. They walked there at around ten, and they were supposed to have walked home by 12.

Lilli felt uneasy as she could hear footsteps coming up behind her, belonging to a man. When Lilli tried to go faster, the man went faster. Lilli knew she was in danger. Trusting her gut, she went down whatever turn felt the safest, with the man still following her close behind.

Sure, Vash had taught her how to defend herself, but the man was over six feet tall. It wouldn't be easy for Lilli to fight him off. But if she had to, she'd try. Besides, she wasn't as weak as she looked. But she was starting to worry. She'd heard too many horror stories like this, and something in her knew it might not end well.

As she worryingly continued to go down the streets, she heard some familiar voices. The other Germanics. She began to run, with the man following close behind. She was in serious danger, only made worse by her hood flying off her head, exposing her short, blonde hair and light indigo ribbon.

As she sprinted down the street, the man got dangerously close to her. Taking another sharp turn, she finally saw them, drunker than they usually would be. Gilbert was stumbling, with Ludwig supporting him. Roderich was almost passed out, with Vash angrily trying to support him as well.

"Lilli?! 'The fuck are you doing here?!-" Vash exclaimed, slurring his words slightly. Vash wasn't one to swear around her, but his drunkenness seemed to ignore that. Lilli ran up and hugged him, the man stopping and staring at them. Lilli caught her break as she dug her head into Vash's torso.

Vash stared at the man. His face wasn't very visible from his hood, but he could pick out some messy hair. Vash held the empty bottle of beer he had up, staring at the man. He exactly what was going on. "Fuck off, you creep. Or I'm shoving this bottle where the sun doesn't-"

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