Germanic Family \\ Suburbs

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(A/N: Funny story: So I created the whole Germanics being siblings headcanon just for Damaged, but let's just say it escalated to the point where that's all I can ever see them as now. I don't know why, I just love their dynamic. I even gave all of them a tragic childhood for a backstory.)


Requested by: No One.

Characters: Germany/Ludwig, Prussia/Gilbert, Austria/Roderich, Switzerland/Vash, Liechtenstein/Lilli.

Ships: Mentions of GerIta


"For fucks sake," Vash mumbled as he fixed the bins that sat outside the home he and the other Germanics started living in just shy of a year ago. Nearly every day since they moved, Vash had to go outside and fix the trash and recycling bins, which had been knocked over by the cars driving by. It had become a daily task, which he disliked.

"I swear to god, people let their bitchy toddlers drive down this fucking road," Vash said, placing the bins back into place. "Just look at that asshat over there! She keeps letting her 17-year-old drive around in that old-ass car, hitting everything in front of her even when she can fucking avoid it-" Ludwig cut Vash off. "Jesus, why are you swearing so much?"

Vash sighed. "I don't know, why are you out here? Waiting for your precious little Italian boyfriend?" Vash teased, referring to Feliciano. "He's just a friend, I swear," Ludwig responded, blushing. "We all saw you two making the fuck out the other night. Saying you're not dating him is like saying Gilbert has brain cells."

Ludwig sighed, walking back into the house instead of replying to Vash. It wasn't unusual for Vash's temper to get the better part of him, but it wasn't that common either. Ludwig thought that it was a result of their childhood, something that all the Germanics didn't like to tell others about. Not even Gilbert despite his talkativeness.

Their childhood was normal up until Lilli was born. They'd been convinced that after Vash was born, their parents wouldn't have any more children. And they were quite confused when they found out they were going to have a little sister after nine years. This being their very first younger sister, they were excited to be her older brothers.

They didn't think that in return for their baby sister, they'd lose their mother.

Sometimes they wondered if their mother came back as Lilli, considering how similar they were.

Life wasn't easy from there on out. Their father wasn't taking their mother's death well, and he became someone they never knew. They couldn't even explain it. He just... Snapped. And as soon as each of them turned 18, they left. All except for Lilli. All the other Germanic siblings had a two-year age gap, but Lilli would have to wait nine years since Vash left.

But Vash wasn't going to allow that. He promised he'd come back for Lilli someday. But Vash wanted to bring her with him as soon as he left. But he couldn't. Vash laid awake at night, praying that Lilli was safe. And even now that Lilli was safe with the other Germanics, and they'd hadn't heard about their father in oh so long...

Vash couldn't believe how he left Lilli in a house, and not a home.

And honestly, ever since they'd finally bought an actual decent home in a suburban neighbourhood, miles away from their childhood house, it was hard to adjust to it. It was always noisy, which was the reason Vash was so irritated, as he was grumpy from the lack of sleep he was getting. Especially because of the one guy revving his sports car at three in the morning.

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