Nordics \\ Family is Forever

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Requested by: No one.

Characters: Norway\Lukas, Iceland\Emil, Denmark\Mathias, Sweden\Berwald, Finland\Tino, Sealand\Peter.

Ships: SuFin, DenNor, mentions of HongIce


"What the fuck, Emil?!" Lukas scowled as Emil walked in through the front door, an hour late and with a bloody nose. "Lukas, I can explain fully-" Emil said, trying to defuse the situation. "Sit down," Lukas commanded, Tino pulling out a chair from the table for Emil.

"Tino, clean him up. Emil, what the hell happened to you?! You're an hour late, and you look like you just got into a fight! I swear to god-" Lukas was cut off by Berwald placing a hand on his shoulder, as a way of telling the Norwegian to calm down. Lukas sighed, turning back over to Emil, who was having his bloody nose cleaned up by Tino.

"What's going on?" Mathias asked, coming out of the other room with Peter, where they were playing video games together. Lukas sighed. "I'm not sure, but Emil looks like he got his ass beat," Lukas grumbled, sitting down next to Emil. "Calm down on the swearing. Peter's here." Berwald mumbled as he looked over at Lukas, pointing to Peter.

"Relax, Berwald," Lukas muttered. "It's 1 in the morning, and we've been drinking. "And besides, he's what? Twelve? He can listen to us swear. Now stop being overprotective." He complained, eyeing Berwald in an irritated manner. "Now, Emil, what the fuck happened to you?" Lukas asked.

Emil's eyes refused to meet Lukas's, the Norwegian's eyes demanding an answer from him. "I got into a fight with some drunk guy my age. He was messing with Leon and I guess I let my emotions get the best of me." Emil finally replied. Lukas squinted his eyes. "First off, what 17-year-old is drunk and walking the streets, two, what did I say about fighting?"

"Well, there was a party down the street, and before you go nuts, I wasn't there-" Peter cut him off. "I was texting Raivis earlier. He said you were there. Even sent me a picture of you and him." Peter said, making Lukas look at him with shock and anger. "WHAT?!" Lukas yelled, slamming his hands down on the table, making Emil jump.

"Peter! Why'd you do that?!" Emil hissed, his view snapping away from Lukas and over to Peter who was now regretting his decision to tell the truth. "Calm down, Emil! Don't scare him! The truth is better than the lie, am I right?..." Tino spoke, attempting to defuse the situation between Emil and Peter.

Emil rolled his eyes. "Fucking snitch," Emil muttered under his breath. "What was that?" Tino questioned sternly, as Peter walked over to him, hiding behind him. "Nothing," Emil answered, looking away from Tino. "Called 'im a snitch," Berwald whispered, Tino, looking back at Berwald. "Correction, a fucking snitch." He added.

Tino took a deep breath, composing himself. "Peter, how about you and Mathias go play some video games in the other room?" Tino suggested, crouching down to his level. "Okay!" Peter exclaimed, Mathias, motioning him to come into the other room with him and play some video games while Tino talked with Emil.

As Peter ran off, Tino looked back at Emil. "Why the fuck would you say that to him? He was telling the goddamn truth." Tino scolded lightly. "Tino, calm your non-existent tits. Emil's a teenager. Teenagers do dumb shit. I assure you, you drank when you were a teen, and you smoked a cigarette or two." Lukas replied.

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