GerIta \\ A Realization Beyond Words

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(A/N: HI! I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER! I've honestly had no motivation. I know I'm out of requests and all, but I'll be keeping them closed for the time being, so I can get some ideas of my own, and chapters of my other fics done. Enjoy!)

(P.S. I just noticed I forgot the 'All nations' part, so I'm so sorry about that. Although I would go back and fix it, I'm too far in to do so now, so you have full permission to be mad at me for this.)


Requested by: @Kamiko_1234

Characters: Germany\Ludwig, North Italy\Feliciano, Prussia\Gilbert, Austria\Roderich, Hungary\Elizaveta.

Pairings: GerIta, mentions of AusHun


Feliciano still had no idea where Holy Rome was after all these years.

He felt like he should at least know if he was dead, just for the tiniest bit of closure.

But no one ever told him. And even in the book documenting all the nations' formations and deaths, he couldn't find Holy Rome. Not one mention of his very name.

But there was something weird Feliciano noticed.

It was almost like Germany's name had been misspelled, as where his documentation lay, the name was covered in black marker, and had Germany written next to it.

Feliciano found himself studying the dates, looking to see if there was anything useful. Everything seemed perfect, even for nations that had since passed. Everything up to the minute of their very formation was absolutely spot on. Nothing was skipped, and nothing was forgotten.

The book was all he could think about. One night, Feliciano sat, covered in blankets on his bed, reading the book in the dark, with only a flashlight illuminating the old, fragile pages. "Germany, human name Ludwig Beilschmidt...." He muttered under his breath, reading the date. But something seemed... Weird.

The date.

Looking at the formation date, it seemed strange that Feliciano would not have known him during his younger days, because they both seemed to have existed around that period. And although Feliciano could remember seeing Holy Rome with Gilbert, he could never remember seeing Germany with him back then.

And there were so many similarities. Their speaking patterns, the way they both were somewhat flustered around Feliciano, and most notably, their looks were strikingly similar. Of course, Feliciano knew that Holy Rome and Germany were related, but never did he think they could've been the same person.

But... How would Germany have gone for so long without the nations realizing he was the Holy Roman Empire? It felt somewhat obvious, but how did Feliciano only consider that to be a legitimate option now? It had been well over 100 years since he fell, and yet somehow, the realization only happened now.

He had to bring this up to the other nations. Maybe they would have a clue as to whether Feliciano's theory was right or not. He knew that the most helpful nations would be the ones who were alive during Holy Rome's time. He immediately thought of the Germanics, who were confirmed to be related to the Holy Roman Empire.

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