GerIta \\ Remember Me?

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Requested by: @Kamiko_1234

Characters: Ludwig\Germany, North Italy\Feliciano, Prussia\Gilbert, England\Arthur

Ships: GerIta


Nation parties were one of Ludwig's least favourite things.

They were always messy, unordered, and loud. Most times, when he had to attend one of the parties, he'd just stay in the corner, with Gilbert checking on him occasionally, or Feliciano standing there with him, trying to convince him to just get out into the action even the tiniest bit.

And usually, when he and Feliciano did get into the action, it ended with them locking themselves in the bathroom together, recovering from whatever the hell Francis had just done. Which was usually an array of different kinds of sexual things, Francis being the pervert he is.

And that was why they made the kids stay in the basement.

Not just because of Francis though, all the nations were batshit crazy when they were drunk.

Meanwhile, Ludwig found himself doing the usual. Standing in the corner, watching the chaos unfold. Despite his height, he couldn't look over the crowd to see if Feliciano was there. He could see the Italian's older brother, Lovino, but not the ginger boy he was looking for. But then, he heard someone call out his name.


It was Feliciano.

He sprinted up to the German, with two drinks, one in each hand. "Hi! Sorry for not coming quicker, I got caught up in talking to Kiku!" He exclaimed, handing Ludwig a drink. "It's fine. Besides, I have a reasonable amount of patience." He responded, taking a sip of the drink.

Feliciano looked at Ludwig, admiring him. "I've talked to you about that kid I knew when I was little, right?" Feliciano recalled, with Ludwig nodding in response. "Y'know... You actually do look like him. That outfit makes you look even more similar to him than usual. Any chance you're related to him?" Asked Feliciano

"Oh, I didn't think I looked like him all that much. But, I do recall my brother saying he had relations with Germania and just the Germanics as a whole. Pretty sure he didn't have a human alias, though." Ludwig replied. He looked over the crowd, trying to spot his brother.

"Maybe if I asked Gilbert, he'd know the name he went by. He knew him, after all..." He muttered. "Imagine if you were actually him." Feliciano joked, gently elbowing Ludwig in the side. He chuckled, looking back at the Italian that stood next to him. "Yea, right. That would be quite a coincidence."

Meanwhile, across the room, the magic trio was showing off some of their magic tricks to the other nations. Arthur, being the terrible drunk he is, found himself unable to shoot his magic straight in the direction he wanted, with the bursts of magic bouncing all over the room.

"And this next one," Arthur began, slurring his words. "Outta make you remember somethin' you forgot!" He exclaimed, stumbling. He mumbled what sounded like gibberish to the other nations, and attempted to project the magic straight at Francis for an example.

But unfortunately, Arthur missed.

He tripped, and instead of shooting the magic at Francis, he accidentally shot it straight and Ludwig's head. With a loud noise, the burst of magic hit the German's forehead. "Fuck..." He muttered, holding his head. "Aaah! Are you okay?!" Feliciano panicked, holding Ludwig's shoulders.

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