Hanatamago Family \\ Sleepless

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(A/N: Peter calls Tino "Dad" in my headcanon because Tino is male. Come fight me.)

(This one-shot might be a little sad too... Someone might even... Die...)


Requested by: No One.

Characters: Sweden/Berwald, Finland/Tino, Sealand/Peter.

Ships: SuFin


Tino was awakened once again by the sound of his son's seemingly endless coughing. He'd been extremely sick for days now, and Tino knew he had to take the poor kid to the hospital. But every time the Finn suggested it, Peter said he would be okay. But Tino was doubting it. It wasn't just anyone that was sick. It was his baby. His pride and joy. His son.

Tino quietly slipped out of bed, trying not to wake Berwald, who was sleeping peacefully. Gently tip-toeing over to Peter's room, he opened the door slightly. There sat Peter, covered in a blanket, hugging a stuffed animal, as he coughed. His face was pale, but his cheeks were red. He looked undoubtedly ill.

"Dad?..." He mumbled, his throat was dry and he had a raspy voice from all the coughing. "Aww, Peter..." Tino cried silently. "Are you okay?" He asked, walking over to Peter's bed, where he continued his unwanted coughing fit. There were tears in his eyes, which he couldn't dry, as every time he reached for a tissue, his elbow shot back to cover his cough.

Peter shook his head as a way of saying "No", instead of speaking. Tino hugged Peter, kissing him gently on the forehead. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Tino questioned, rubbing the boy's hair. "I'm thirsty," Peter answered, setting his head down on his pillow, still coughing.

"Alright, I'll get you some medicine too, okay?" Tino assured as he left his son's room to go downstairs into the kitchen. He reached up into one of the cabinets, which was full of mugs of every single colour. He grabbed his son's favourite mug. On it, was an ocean and a sky. But when you put something hot in it, the sky changed colours into a night sky full of stars.

It was a gift from the boy's uncle, Lukas. He drank every hot drink he had out of it. His tea, his hot chocolate, that one cup of coffee Tino secretly let him have when Berwald wasn't around... It was his favourite mug. Tino remembered watching the steam ascend from the mug, as Peter stared at it, his head on the table, waiting for it to cool down enough.

Tino smiled as he thought about it. He even remembered the day they adopted him. At first, Peter was incredibly shy, quiet, and nervous. But in the years since, it was like he was born into such a family. He'd become the exact opposite, almost. He was energetic, happy, and almost always had something to talk about.

Tino filled up the kettle to just over the minimum amount, placing it back on its base, and clicking a button on the handle to make it start heating up. Tino could see perfectly fine in the kitchen despite the lights not being on, as the moonlight was shining in through a window, where a vase sat on the windowsill.

Tino took the lid off a small ceramic jar on the counter, taking a teabag out of it. He placed it in the mug as he waited for the kettle to finish boiling. He opened the door to one of the cabinets to get some medicine for the boy, who was waiting in his bed, still coughing.

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