SeyLiech \\ Forests and Stars

16 3 4

(A\N: I know it's been a month but hear me out there's something called no motivation-)


Requested by: flyingsaturn

Characters: Liechtenstein\Lilli, Seychelles\Michelle.

Parings: SeyLiech


The rain went pitter-patter against the pavement, the water flowing into the storm drains off of the road and sidewalk.

Some people had umbrellas, some had hoods, some had rain hats, and some let the rain freely flow onto their heads.

The sky was covered in a thick layer of grey clouds, unleashing drops of water upon those who walked under it.

And Lilli stood under it, a floral umbrella protecting her from the pouring rain as it fell from the sky. She was frequently told by her brother to stay out of the rain, but Lilli didn't mind it. She found it quite relaxing, even going for walks in it. She felt somewhat overshadowed by the much taller people, but she knew she'd be taller eventually.

Her burgundy dress had a bit of water on the bottom, due to the rain droplets splashing the water on the ground upwards as it fell. Her normal shows were replaced by rain boots, the same light indigo as the ribbon in her short blonde hair. Lilli walked along the water-filled sidewalk, making splashes as she went.

It hadn't been an easy week for her. Her family just really wasn't that good at the moment, with Vash and Gilbert constantly arguing with her father, while Roderich and Ludwig just found themselves watching. Lilli didn't like to stay there while it was happening, with Roderich usually bringing her to Elizaveta's house.

It was taking a toll on Lilli, and it was quite noticeable. Her grades were beginning to decline, and she started to become more isolated from the people around her. Her friends even began to become concerned, asking constantly if everything was alright back at home. She always told them yes.

But it was an honest no.

It got to the point where she tried her best to avoid her house, staying outside a lot. Her best friend, Michelle even began to pick up on it, asking Francis to let her stay for dinner every once in a while, letting him in on what might've been happening. Francis honestly felt just as sad as Michelle did.

It hurt for Michelle, Leon, Emil and Raivis to watch as Lilli distanced herself away from them little by little, all so they would find out about what was happening. Besides, it was a family promise not to tell, and despite this, Lilli had to fight the urge to tell them the whole truth every time.

But she couldn't.

She'd be breaking the promise.

And nobody wanted that.

But she had a place to escape it all. A little spot in the forest, where if she laid down on a clear night, she could see an insane amount of bright, glimmering stars. Vash used to always take her there when she was little, but he hadn't taken her there ever since their family got messier. Instead, she went there herself.

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