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I let Arlene know I was on my way to pick her up, I had one of my guards drive me this time. We pulled into the house, I been many times but I can never get used to it. The home was beautiful, three stories high. There was a maid waiting for us at the entrance of a side door.

I got out of the car, I didn't wait for my driver, "hi, I'm here for Arlene,"

"Hello, welcome. My name is Sussi, and I can take you to her, she is finishing getting ready, please come in."

I was led inside, I followed her, we went through the kitchen, some closed doors, then she led me to the main room. Beautiful chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling, huge imperial staircase leading to the second floor. They look a little different this time, but none the less still shinning bright. 

"Make yourself at home, she will be out soon." Sussi dismissed herself and left me in the room.

I paced around looking at every single painting, drawings, pictures of her and a beautiful pitbull dog, more smaller picture frames of kids, and family. I assumed it was her family, they all had similarities in their features. I know Arlene mentioned she had a family, but we never got in depth of how big it was. I saw a cute little girl holding a picture of me, and on the other hand she had the Polaroid picture I had given Arlene for her niece, she was smiling uncontrollably when this photo was taken.

"You're a role model." I heard Arlene's voice and I turned to look for her, I spotted her at the top of the stairs. I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe, I was too stunned to vocalize what I was looking at. 

Red long dress, halter neck leaving oval shape cleavage opening, medium size waist, followed by long thigh opening, showing a long tan leg. As she descended the stairs her dress flowed with her so perfectly, each step she took she got closer and closer towards me. I met her at the bottom of the stairs, still stunned I stuttered "gorgeous." I saw her blush.

"I can say the same, I love your suit." I smiled, I looked down at the forest green suit, with white dress shoes.

"Thank you, I didn't know what to wear. I been nervous thinking about it all afternoon." She smiled too and nodded, "good thing I went with suit, I wouldn't want to take attention from you. You deserve it, you look amazing." I was still holding her hand, I kissed it. Her broken hand was still delicate to me, "Should we get going?"

The car ride was great, she handed me some Shampagne to drink, talked about how work is going for her, I missed every moment at work. I enjoyed listening to her, I took her in, all of her. 

Unfortunately, this will be the last time we will see each other. 

I smiled at her, she had her fingers entwined with mine, this gave me butterflies, and a happy feeling, but I had already made up my mind. 

We arrived at the restaurant, the gentleman took us to the top level of the building, the view was breathtaking. 

The small city to our left, and the beach to the other side. The restaurant had set up a table at the far end of the place to be able to enjoy the view. 

"This is beautiful,"

"Just for you." Hailee smiled and took my hand and led us to the table. 

We talked for hours, this was our usual selves, everywhere we went it was our own world, our own little bubble. Hours after hours of laughter, mocking each other, joking, playing. We had no end to our fun, it hurt me knowing what I was doing tomorrow it was for my own good. Leaving her will already hurt me. thinking of a future with this wonderful woman was painful, knowing we couldn't have one was killing me. 

After some time, I decided this night needed to end. "Can you take me to your place?"

Hailee smiled and took my hand leading us out the restaurant. 

"Hailee?" her living room was dimmed, I've never been here before and right now I did not have time to distract myself. "Make me yours." 

Hailee smiled, wrapped an arm around me waist pulling me closer. 

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