The portal appears

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The portal appears.
She sticks her face in it. A vision appears.
/A boy named Harry Potter is born. He has shitry ass fuxk face parents. Fredrick Douglass appears and tells him "Yo Harry, you're a wizard bro" and takes him to a high school called hogwash. Hw meets heroin and Reagan, Reagan, together, they play a game called cabbage, where they throw cabbages around and sees who can throw it to Ireland the fastest. Harry is really good at it, and big daddy Harris snrots coke and thinks he's the leader of the school and tells Harry to go get viagra. so Harry goes to the basement and tells viagra he looks blue today, and vaporizes./
I go to south America, one way ticket with Gumball.

AN: the reason the vision doesn't make sense is because it is a vision and katie doesn't have the knowledge to put it into contxext. she just guessed that Hogwash was in south ameriica because the name sounded hispanic. She doen;t know all the harry potter terms!!! and neither do i !!!! im just putting a chaper out for you guys to read and ill go watch the movies this weekend <3 ill get stuff right next time dont worry.. thanks for all the support!



We arrived in south america but there was no magical high school. We went to see the sights anyways and the big jesus statue from the movie rio. We saw the birds and had a great conversation about the meaning of life and philosophy. 

"the unexamined life is not worth living" said blu.
"wow, did you come up with that yourself?" i asked him.
"Yes. me and my bird wife came up with it. do you want to hear soome more?"
"absotutely" i say, channeling my applejacksona
"life is like a bag of birdseed. its terrible and then you die from food poisoning."
"so wise, someone mustve put some chocolate in there."
"...thats how my entire family died. why my species is extinct. it isn't wise, its a fact."

We give up on our mission and instead go to isreal.

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