Chapter One

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It had been three years since the wizarding war at the castle. The bad guys fell, and the good guys moved on with their lives, starting family's and leaving the dust to settle behind them. Quinn Stillstone was one of those that were left behind by everyone she loved. She was, technically, a bad guy but, she had a good heart and was not raised to be a villain, she just fell in line with the wrong crowd. After the killing had ended and the fighting had stopped, bodies began to be recovered and hers was one amongst the rubble that was dug up and carried off. She woke up a few weeks later in the hospital. It took her a long time to remember what had happened that day and the days leading up to it, but when she did, she was hurt. She felt she had been forgotten about by everyone. She sat in her room, gazing out of her window, thinking back on those that she missed. She only allowed herself one moment a day to feel sad about the past, before she got on with her duties. After the war, the bad guys re branded themselves and moved on. They picked themselves up from the ash and decided they wanted revenge on those who were not fully invested in the cause.
Quinn stood up and walked over to her dresser, opening it and rummaging around to find something to wear. She slipped out of her night gown and put on a white dress that was covered in black lace. She stepped into a pair of white heels and stood in front of her mirror staring at a woman she no longer recognized. She remembered a time when she would only wear something like this if she was attending a ball, now she wore clothes like this every day. She straightened out her long blonde curls that fell down her back and huffed, turning to head out of her room and get her day started. Once she was in the hallway, she lifted her chin just a little and took in a deep breath, holding it in, causing her to puff out her chest. She turned and began walking down a long hallway that led to a grand staircase.
The staircase spiraled down to the entryway to her home. She looked down and examined the room, feeling her lungs tighten with every step down that she took. The room was large and empty besides the front door, a door on each side of the stairs and the white marble flooring. The door to the left of the stairs led to the kitchen and the door to the right led to another hallway that included more doors that led to other rooms in the house. She reached the bottom of the stairs and finally let out a large huff, releasing all the air she had been holding in her lungs. It was getting harder each day for her to find the strength to get out of bed in the mornings, so she had to threaten herself by not allowing her body to breath until she reached the bottom of the stairs. She slowly walked to the kitchen making sure to be careful as she was dizzy from holding her breath.
"Good morning, ma'am." A man spoke as Quinn entered the kitchen,
The man was running around the kitchen, grabbing bowls and stirring spoons in large pots. He was preparing breakfast for the house. There was a total of 15 people who lived in Quinn's home and all of them, at one point in time, had been death eaters. Death eaters were the villains in the war and once their leader died, they searched for a new purpose. Now they served a new leader, and his name was Black. He started this new group, and he was the one who found and saved Quinn. She was lost and had nowhere to go, so he took her in as long as she promised to stay loyal to him. Over time they grew closer and eventually she became second in charge under Black. Almost like a queen. She loved Black. He saved her and she owed him her life and in the process of repaying him, she grew more and more fond of him and found herself falling for him. It was not a deep love, but it was enough. Black loved Quinn, maybe even a little too much. He was protective over her and jealous of everyone who came within breathing distance of her. To him, she was a queen. She was his queen, and nothing would take her away from him.
"Good morning." Quinn smiled at the cook as she watched a drop of sweat drip from his nose and land on his white apron that had turned yellow over the years.
"Do you need any help?" She asked gently.
The man smiled at her and reached for a bowl. He opened his mouth but at the same moment the door swung open, and Black stepped inside. The man quickly closed his mouth and bowed his head to her, backing away slowly.
"No ma'am." He answered.
Quinn turned around just as Black approached her. She could smell his cologne the minute he walked into the room. She always hated the smell of it, it reminded her of firewood and cinnamon. He was much taller than Quinn, causing her to have to look up at him to see him. She admired his face and his hair that was swept to the side. It was thick and black, and she could tell he had showered this morning because it was wet and curled. His dark brown eyes returned her gaze and Quinn could almost see fire behind them as he looked at her face.
"Good morning my queen." Black whispered, placing a hand on her cheek gently.
She closed her eyes and slowly took in a deep breath, sinking into his touch. He gently wiped her cheek bone with his thumb, causing goosebumps to travel up and down her spine.
"Good morning." She smiled, opening her eyes.
Black dropped his hand and looked past her at all the commotion in the kitchen. The cook still had his head hanging low and his eyes focused on the food. He slowly glanced up to Black with fear washed over his face.
"Relax mate." Black chuckled as he grabbed an apple and took a bite from it.
Quinn smiled and shook her head as she watched his teeth sink into the fruit. She heard the crunch and could see the chunk of apple separate from itself and fall into his mouth. Suddenly it was as if time slowed down, almost stopping. Her mind went fuzzy, and her thoughts began to race. She could see an apple, it was green and shiny. It was in someone's hand, pressed against their lips as they took a bite from it. She could see their eyes, a deep gray with specs of blue scattered through them.
"Quinn?" Black spoke, bringing her back to the moment.
Quinn blinked her eyes and found herself back in the kitchen with Black and the cook. Black was studying her face with a concerned look in his eyes. He stepped closer to her and placed one hand on her arm and used the other to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"You ok love?" He asked under his breath.
Quinn pressed her lips together into a stiff, small smile and nodded her head up at him.
"Yeah, I just- I must still be waking up." She lied.
He placed a kiss on her forehead and turned, walking out of the kitchen. She looked over at the cook and he nodded at her, giving her a small smile. She returned it and followed Black back out into the front room.
"Listen love, I have some work to do today. Are you going to be ok running things while I am out?" He asked, walking to a coat rack that stood next to the front door.
She watched as he grabbed his coat off the rack and slid it on over his arms and his shoulders.
"I will be fine." She smiled, clasping her hands behind her back.
He stared at her for a moment, admiring her beauty and finally he nodded at her and turned to leave.
"I love you." He spoke sternly, stopping at the door but not turning to look at her.
"I love you too." She replied.
With that, he pulled the door open and left, leaving her alone in the front room. She looked around for a moment almost like she had never been here. She studied the marble floor that met with a dark maroon wall. There was a dark oak trim around each wall and door frame. The only item in the room was the coat rack that was also made from a dark oak and stood tall and sturdy next to the front door. A golden chandelier hung above her head that had white crystals that hung down like icicles. She rolled her eyes as she turned to walk down the hall to the study. Quinn didn't come from money. She wasn't used to having it. Her family was never broke, but they were middle class, so living so lavish was not something she was used to or enjoyed very much.
Black on the other hand was born to one of the most wealthiest families known around. From his first breath and probably to his last, money was never and will never be an issue. He knew nothing else other than fancy things and big homes. He tried to buy everything under the sun for Quinn to make her happy and even though she smiled and accepted his gifts with honor, she hated all of it. She would never tell Black though. He was a gentle and kind man and he loved her but she knew he had a temper. She had only seen it a few times and she never wanted to see it again. Black was not afraid of violence and he used it when he needed to get what he wanted. Quinn wasn't afraid of him, unless he lost his temper, then she was terrified.
She entered the study at the end of the hall. It had one desk in the middle of the room that was made from, yep, dark oak. The room was painted a creamy white color and all the lights and accents in this room were a pure gold. The largest wall in the back of the room was covered, floor to ceiling, in books. All kinds of them, different sizes and colors, from all over the world. She walked over to the desk and sat down, gently placing her small hands on it. The wood was cold under her fingers and it caused her to slightly suck in sharply. She opened and reached into one of the drawers, pulling out a few pieces of paper and a pen. She laid them out in front of her on the desk and opened a large book that was placed on the corner of the surface. She began to flip through the pages and stopped when she reached the last page that had been written on, about half way through.
The book was filled with names and dates and the papers in front of her were documents of last known sightings and any known facts of the people in the book. Quinn was in charge of the house when Black was gone which also meant she was in charge of his duties. Today she was supposed to be helping with finding the location of old Death eaters so that a few men in her new group could go out, catch them and bring them back here. They would then interrogate the people to get any information out of them that they could about who they were and what they did before the war. Sometimes that included violence and Quinn knew that. If it came out that the person in question, in any way shape or form, was apart of the downfall of the old lord then that person was executed. Quinn had seen a few people she knew come through here and some of them had been killed while others were kept alive to serve Black around the house in any way he saw fit. She always hated seeing people she knew but she also thought about how they left her. How they forgot about her and just left her behind, while Black took her in and saved her, so if they could turn a blind eye to her then she could turn a blind eye to them as well.
She realized she had been reading the names repeatedly for the past hour. She could not bring her mind to focus enough on her work to remember what she had just read. She huffed and slammed the book shut, placing her thumb and index finger on the bridge of her nose, slightly squeezing it. She decided she needed a break and got up from the desk. She made her way out of the office and back down the hall until she reached the foyer. There were a few people stirring about now and making their way to breakfast. She nodded at them as they passed her and they returned it with a smile. She finally reached her room and placed her hand on the handle, taking a deep breath and pushing the door open. Once inside she let go of the air in her lungs and kicked off her shoes. She walked over to her bathroom and stepped inside, feeling the coldness of the marble floor beneath her bare feet. She tiptoed to her tub and turned the water on, getting it to just the right temperature before slowly undressing and stepping into the warm water one foot at a time.
As she sank down into the tub, she could feel her muscles almost melting off her body. She never realized how tense she was until this moment. She leaned back and rested her head on the back lip of the tub, staring up at the ceiling and biting her lip. She slowly closed her eyes and found herself drifting off.
'She could see his eyes piercing right through her and looking directly into her soul. It made the hairs on her arms stand up and it felt as though electricity was coursing through her veins. His lips were a perfect shade between pink and red and they looked beautiful against his pale skin. Strands of hair fell over his eyes and became caught on his long fair eyelashes as they fluttered at her. She melted at the touch of his hands. They stung her warm skin from being ice cold, causing goosebumps to race down her thighs.
"Quinn." He whispered in her ear.
The feeling of his warm breath against her neck caused her to let a small moan escape from her mouth. She arched her back as his fingers entangled themselves in her long blonde curls. He gently pressed his lips against her neck and began to leave a trail of soft kisses down her body, stopping just below her belly button. She lowered her eyes to meet his gaze as he looked up at her. He looked so beautiful from this angle. He smirked up at her and she could feel butterflies forming in her stomach. Suddenly he dropped his head, gently crashing his lips against her heat. This caused her to slightly jump and another moan managed to leave her mouth. Her head fell back and her eyes rolled until she had to close them. The feeling of his tongue dancing in circles around her clit made her thighs begin to shake. She wanted more. She began to slowly rock her hips against his mouth and he quickened his pace. Quinn grabbed his hair and used it as leverage to push herself harder against him. she could feel herself getting closer....
"Draco..." She moaned.'
Suddenly she opened her eyes and realized she was still in her tub. Her fingers were pressed hard against her clit and her hips were quickly grinding against them. Her heart was racing and her stomach tightened as she felt herself finish. She sank lower into the water until it was just above her lips.
'I have to stop doing that before Black catches me.' She thought to herself.
She stood up and slowly stepped out of the tub, grabbing her towel as she watched the floor slowly become drenched in water. She wrapped the towel around her body and made her way back into her room to get dressed. She slipped on her underwear when she heard her door slowly creek open. She turned to find Black standing in her doorway, leaning against the frame with one eyebrow raised. He was admiring her naked body that was still damp from the bath. She smiled at him and gently placed the towel on her bed. She walked over to her dramatically large, white wood vanity and picked up a bottle of her favorite scented lotion. She popped the cap open and brought the bottle to her nose, taking in a deep breath and closing her eyes as the scent of apples hit her nose. She squirted some into the palm of her hand and began to lather her legs with it.
She slightly jumped as she suddenly felt hands gently grabbing her waist and turning her around. Blacks lips pressed against hers and she raised her arms, wrapping them around his neck. He let his hands wander her body, rubbing and grabbing every inch of skin he could reach. She tilted her head back and let out a soft moan as he dropped his lips to her neck and began to lick and nip at the nape of her neck. He continued down until he reached her breasts and began to circle his tongue around her hardening nipple while gently kneading the other with his large hand. Quinn could feel herself becoming more wet and she softly began to grind her hips against his leg. She could feel his erection growing larger against her stomach and she became hungry for it. Black dropped to his knees and slid her panties down her legs, allowing her to step out of them. He stared up at her while softly placing kisses against her heat and snaking his hands around the back of her thighs, pulling her closer to his mouth, allowing him to easily slip his tongue inside of her. She parted her lips and grabbed the top of his head for balance. Black grew painfully hard as he listened to her become a whimpering mess at the feel of his tongue.
He quickly stood up and grabbed Quinn by her waist, causing her to wrap her legs around him. He then carried her to her bed and laid her on her back. She watched him as he unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants to the floor. His eyes were fixed on the wetness between her legs. With no hesitation he slipped himself inside of her and they both let out a deep moan. Quinn dug her nails into his back as he began to pump his hips at a quick pace. He began to grunt with each thrust, slamming himself deeper inside of her each time. Quinn could feel herself getting close and by the look on Black's face, he was too. Black slammed his lips on her neck and began to bite down on her skin. She let out a sharp groan. Somewhere between the moans and whimpers, she finished. She threw her head back into the pillow and let out a loud cry signaling to Black that she had just reached her orgasm. He smiled at what he had just done and began to thrust faster. Quinn watched his face as he furrowed his brow and parted his lips, then she felt him finish and she bit her lip, feeling accomplished at what she had just done.
He pushed himself up off her and took a step back, offering her his hand to help her off the bed. He pulled his pants back on and ran his fingers through his hair. Quinn slipped back into her panties and finished getting dressed. Black stepped back and watched her In silence, feeling proud that someone as jaw dropping as her, belonged to him. When Quinn caught him staring she smiled and placed her hand on his chest, stretching up to place a soft kiss on his cheek.
"I love you." He spoke softly.
"I love you too." She smiled.
Quinn went back to getting ready and Black headed out of her room. She watched him leave and watched as his younger brother Thomas entered. She turned to face him and gave him a big smile.
"Thomas. Good morning." She beamed.
"Good morning, Quinn." He returned the excitement.
Thomas was Black's younger brother. He was only 17 and had no magic which caused Quinn to feel a sense of protectiveness over him. He looked just like Black but not as muscular. He walked closer to Quinn and wrapped an arm around her neck and placed a hard loud kiss on the top of her head.
"What trouble are you getting into today?" Quinn giggled.
"I figured we could go into town and get a few things." Thomas stated, making his way to her bed, and sitting on it.
Quinn felt herself blushing as she pictured what had just happened right where he was sitting.
"Oh- uh, sure! I will go with you!" She cheered.
She stood up and slipped her shoes back on and followed Thomas out into the hall, making their way down the steps to the front door. Thomas grabbed her coat and his coat from the rack and slipped Quinn's coat on over her shoulders, putting his on next. Quinn helped him button up his coat as he watched her. Thomas would never tell anyone but he had very strong feelings for Quinn. She was beautiful and kind, everything he wanted. He was jealous of his brother but tried his best not to show it for fear Black would find out. Thomas studied her face, watching her emerald green eyes as they focused on his buttons. He counted the freckles on her perfectly tan cheeks and traced the outline of her plump, pink lips. She glanced up at him, catching his eyes and she smiled.
"You ready?" She jeered.
He nodded and Quinn wrapped her arm around his, pulling him out of the door with her. They walked down to the car that was sitting outside of the house, parked in the long driveway that was probably much longer than it needed to be. Thomas opened the door for her and she sat inside, smiling up at him. he walked around the car and got in the driver seat, starting up the car and off they went, headed into town.
"So what all did you need to get from the market?" Queen queried as she picked up an apple from the fruit cart and inspected it.
"Just a few ingredients." Thomas answered inconspicuously.
Quinn set the apple back down, being careful not to knock the other apples off the cart and turned, looking at Thomas, raising an eyebrow at him. He casually looked up at her and met her stare with a small shrug and a smile.
"What is the occasion?" Quinn slowly asked.
"The anniversary of when you moved in with us, of course!" Thomas beamed at her.
"Oh well of course." Quinn giggled, shaking her head and making her way around the bread stand.
Thomas watched her as she leaned down and smelled the fresh bread that had just been placed out. A small strand of golden hair fell over her shoulder and hung down in front of her face. She didn't seem to notice though and continued to take in the scents of all the food around her. She closed her eyes and let it overtake her senses. The sound of the people chatting and passing by her. The smell of the fresh bread and sweetly ripened fruit. The cool breeze as it blew through her hair and softly pushed past her face. Thomas smiled and thought she looked like a painting.
"Is there anything special you want me to make darling?" Thomas asked, clearing his throat and shaking the thoughts he knew he shouldn't be having out of his mind.
"Hmmm, how about a cake?" Quinn said, standing up and placing her finger on her chin, pretending to think hard about the question.
Thomas smiled and began to look around for everything he would need.
"It seems they don't have any ingredients here to make buttercream to go on it, would a pie do?" Thomas asked, furrowing his brow at the lack of spices and butters.
"I think I can manage with a pie." Quinn let out a small laugh, placing her hands on her hips and slightly throwing her head back.
"Okay, apple or cherry?" Thomas asked, smiling up at her.
Suddenly, Quinn's mind began to race. She was sitting at a table in a large room and she could smell sweet cherry pie that was placed on a small dessert plate in front of her. She could hear the chatter of others around her but all her thoughts could focus on was the pie. She looked up and could see gray eyes staring back at her, wrinkled up at the corners in a smile.
"Quinn?" Thomas broke her train of thought, gently grabbing her shoulder.
Quinn shook her head and looked over to Thomas who had a worrisome look written on his face.
"Huh?" she hummed at him.
"Are you ok?" Thomas asked.
Quinn painted on a smile and nodded her head at him, placing her hand on his that was still on her shoulder.
"Cherry or apple?" Thomas asked again.
"Apple." She stated softly.
Quinn hated apple pie but she needed to smell it. She wanted to feel the flood of memories coming back to her from what felt like a lifetime ago. It was overwhelming but she wanted it to consume her. She missed her old life, her friends and family but she missed one person more than anyone in her life.
Draco Malfoy.

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