Chapter Eleven

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Quinn could hear birds chirping outside but she remained sitting in the same spot on her bed, glaring at the door. All night she racked her brain, trying to come up with any ideas on how to kill Black. Sure, she could easily do it, with a spell, poison or even just stabbing him in his sleep, but this house was full of men who were looking for any excuse to hurt or kill Quinn and if she murdered Black, that would be all they needed to do it.
There was a slight knock at her door but she didn't budge. The knock came again and still she sat quietly. Finally the door cracked open and Thomas stuck his head in, his eyes squeezed tightly shut.
"Quinn? Are you awake? Are you dressed?" Thomas called out.
"Yes." Quinn flatly replied.
Thomas opened his eyes and entered the room. He felt his heart sink and his jaw hit the floor when he saw Quinn sitting on her bed, legs dangling over the side, hands resting gently on her knees, dried blood crusting her lips and chin and staining her white nightgown and a dark splotched bruise forming around her eye. She was staring at the door, unbothered by his presence, a blank, empty expression on her face. Thomas stood in shock, not knowing what to do.
"Did- did Black do this?" Thomas whispered shakily.
Quinn just nodded her head slowly.
"Because of-"
Quinn nodded once more, not breaking her concentration on the door. Thomas sat next to her, watching her face, studying her bruise. He questioned how Black could hurt someone so sweet and pretty as Quinn. It made him angry, enraged even, but he was also scared of Black and in return felt hopeless.
"Do you want me to leave?" Thomas asked.
Quinn sat still for a moment, thinking about what he asked. She finally nodded her head slowly again and Thomas slowly stood up. He gently placed a small kiss on top of Quinn's head and exited her room, leaving Quinn alone. Thomas made his way downstairs and hurriedly walked into the kitchen where he found Draco waiting for his plate of food. Draco glanced over to Thomas and noticed he had a strange look on his face.
"Oi. You okay mate? You look like you're going to throw up." Draco scoffed, raising an eyebrow.
Thomas slowly looked up at Draco, feeling rage spew from his body and before he knew what he was doing, he punched Draco in the nose. Draco stumbled back, grabbing his face and letting loose a few curses and slurs. The cook let out a low laugh as he watched Draco run his nose.
"This is YOUR fault!!" Thomas shouted.
"What the fuck did I do?!" Draco spat.
"He probably visited our dear Quinn this morning, as usual." Black stared, entering the kitchen.
Draco and Thomas both glared at Black, Thomas wanting to scream at him and Draco wondering what was happening. Thomas dropped his gaze to the floor, feeling fire building in his soul. Draco glanced between them before it clicked in his head.
'"We have to kill him." Quinn said lowly as Draco examined her face.
"Who Quinn?" Draco asked.
He quickly went into her wash room and grabbed a warm wash cloth, returning and trying to wipe as much blood from her face as possible but Quinn pushed him away.
"Quinn, who!?" Draco asked again.
Quinn just stared at the door like it was telling her something to say. Draco gently grabbed her face in his hands and lifted it so she would look at him but to no avail. She kept her eyes on the door.
"Quinn did Black do this?" Draco seethed.
"Quinn please talk to me. I'm going to get you out of here, I promise but I need you to stay strong, please." Draco begged her, feeling desperate.
Draco let go of her face and sighed.
"I love you Quinn." He whispered as he slowly left her room.'

"What the FUCK did you do to her?!" Draco shouted in Blacks face.
"Nothing we haven't done a million times before." Black laughed.
"BULL SHIT!" Thomas screamed, spitting.
Draco punched Black in the jaw, causing Black to fall on his ass. Black stood up rubbing his mouth and smiling. He snapped his fingers and a few large men entered the room. Two of them grabbed Draco by the arms and one grabbed Thomas. Draco began kicking and thrashing his body while Thomas just glared.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?! ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!" Draco screamed and cursed as the men dragged him away.
Black stared down at Thomas, taking a moment to size up his younger brother. Thomas never took his eyes off black.
"Why?" Thomas breathed.
"She forgot her place."
"She's not an object!!" Thomas cried out.
"She is to me." Black snapped his fingers and the man holding Thomas began leading him from the room.
Both Thomas and Draco were thrown into the prison room in different cells facing each other. The two men threw Draco down and he lashed forward trying to grab the gate before they closed it. He managed to get ahold of it and began pulling it open but one of the men lifted his foot and kicked Draco back inside, slamming the gate behind him. Draco landed on the ground and felt all the air leave his lungs. He watched as Thomas walked into his cell and waited for them to lock him in. Draco rolled onto his hands and knees, letting out a few coughs before managing to take a breath then stand to his feet clumsily.
"What? No fucking fight in you!?" Draco barked.
"No point. Everyone in this house stands behind Black. That's why Quinn won't leave or fight back and me neither. We fight black and win, there will be thirty men waiting to take our heads off." Thomas grumbled, sitting on the ground, leaning against a wall.
"FUCK!" Draco yelled.
"This is your fault." Thomas whispered.
"What did I do?" Draco asked, hitting the bars to see just how sturdy they were.
"He knows about you two and your past. Let me ask you something." Thomas glared at Draco. "Is Lyra yours?"
"Who the fuck is Lyra?!" Draco spat.
"Quinn's daughter... is she yours?" Thomas asked again.

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